July 24, 2010

Cloudy Reflection at Dusk

Ruby Lake, British Columbia, 2010

For more links to reflections, go to the home of meme Weekend Reflections.

[Click on the photo to see it larger.]


Limarea said...

Very beautiful! :)

My name is Riet said...

This is a beautiful reflection photo. I love it

Unknown said...

Hi Francisca,
What a beautiful photo, even better when enlarge. I hope everyone does that. The mountains on the right look like they are floating. Great capture.

Thanks for dropping by. The photos were taken at the Purple Bamboo Garden (Zizhuyuan Park). Lots of bamboos, but no purple ones :), but a really lovely place.

VioletSky said...

Lovely. I really like when clouds partially obscure a mountain.

Ingrid said...

That's a real beautiful picture ! What a reflection ! you could turn the photo around and it would look the same !

tapirgal said...

Beautiful and unusual. It looks like a misprint or double vision.

'Tsuki said...

What a landscape... Superb...

I specially like the clouds rounding the mount...

Thanks for the sharing

Joanne said...

Wonderful shot, So tranquil...

lazyclick said...

Awesome shot.

Gine said...

Très belle photo, pleine d'atmosphère et invitant à la promenade ...

Nefertiti said...

Magnifique !