Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

December 25, 2010

O Tannebaum

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Thy candles shine out brightly!
Each bough doth hold its tiny light,
That makes each toy to sparkle bright.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Thy candles shine out brightly!

No doubt every family that celebrates Christmas has its own traditions. One such special memory for me from way back when I was a little girl was that our family lit the tree with real candles, if only to give us a few minutes of warm glow. It delighted everyone.

Last Christmas our tree decoration on the Sunshine Coast of BC was firmly directed by our mother; she wanted a simple elegant tree of white and silver with accents of blue. And, naturally, real candles. Her wish was gladly our command - it was to be our last Christmas together and we knew that. 

  Sunshine Coast, 2009

The cozy result pleased us all, but more importantly, the precious warm time spent together to make this tree happen will remain a profound memory.

Whatever your traditions, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I wish you warmth in your heart, not only this day, but every day throughout the year.

I leave you with a link to Vienna Boys' Choir singing O Tannenbaum, a song often heard and sung in my childhood.


I also take this moment to thank my blogging friends for your generous gifts of encouragement and sharing. I may not be blogging for the next few days as I will be on yet another short road trip. See you again before the year is out.