September 7, 2010

Street Vendor in Red

Kathmandu, 2010

Yesterday was Labor Day in the USA. My heart goes out to all the workers of the world who struggle for a living wage. 

For more takes on the theme of RED, visit Mary's Ruby Tuesday.


cieldequimper said...

Very appropriate post.

reg said...

I love the post but for some reason I really feel for this Lady. I have no idea why. I guess it is how this lovely picture talks to me

Loree said...

A very poignant photo. Perfect choice for RT.

tapirgal said...

A beautiful photo of the human condition. Who can help but feel something? These are wonderful reds! She may be poor, but she's not drab. Love the colors in the basket, too.

EG CameraGirl said...

A thought-provoking post! Well said!

khaye said...

nice shot!

Maria @ LSS said...

What a beautiful photo. Great find for RT.

Happy Ruby.

Maria @ LSS

Christine said...

I'm so glad to have stumbled upon your blog. You bring beautiful photos to the world and instill quite relevant thoughts. Thank you.

Snooze said...

my favourite red posts are those with a story ... and i feel the same about a living wage in any country. i am so lucky to be able to work as a woman and earn enough to support a family. i wish the same for everybody.
My Ruby Redness

Auntie E said...

Nice shot. I learn yesterday that a neighbor of mine has lost their job. Now their Home is for sale. time are still hard for folks here.
My Ruby Link for you

Kaori said...

I feel lucky to have a job I can grumble about. Lovely photo, Francisca! I wonder what it is she is selling?

Ingrid said...

A very touching picture !

Halcyon said...

We are lucky to live a priveleged life here in the US. But sometimes I think those who have the least are the happiest of all.

I like the looks of this woman. She seems content somehow.

Lowell said...

I think this dear woman has a tough time of it! And even in this country, it is getting harder and harder to make a decent living as we quite rapidly morph into an oligarchy of the wealthy!

November does not look good, either...may the gods, whoever they may be, help us!

Meri said...

Nice capture.

Anita Johnson said...

I too wonder what she is selling and what she is thinking about. She looks beautiful...i hope she is happy.

Hilda said...

Yes. :(

CACHANILLA73 said...

Very nice picture. It doesn't need words. It says so much.

Teuvo Vehkalahti said...

Very intresying blog and nice photo, I like.
Pleace looking fotoblog Teuvo images
and pleace yours comments

Thank you

Teuvo vehkalahti


Unknown said...

Nice capture, Francisca!