September 14, 2011

I is for Irony

No time for a long post today, so I'm just sharing a little irony... 

 Manila, 2010

You'd think they'd use a bit of that magic rustguard on their premises.

For ABC Wednesday, where the letter is I, and for Signs, Signs.


Nanka said...

Smiles, Smiles and more Smiles!! :) :) :)

jabblog said...


Roger Owen Green said...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Kay L. Davies said...

Great find.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

VioletSky-Sightlines said...

a little iron-y!
very good!!

Dina said...

I'm glad your humor never gets rusty, Francisca.

Kathy said...

Perhaps they live in a climate like I do, where rust is inevitable!

Chronicles of Illusions said...


joo said...

Seems that the should try:)

Jane and Chris said...

That is too funny!
Jane x

forgetmenot said...

And very ironic it is!! Clever, very clever. Mickie

Vicki/Jake said...

Just proves there's so much irony in this world... take a walk and start looking for it:)

B i r g i t t a said...

You have got a great photo eye Francisca - a big smile :D

Andrea said...

lovely find!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hahah perfect I Francisca!

Inspector Hector is my letter I. Hope you can drop by!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Good catch. Made me laugh out loud.

Leslie: said...

You have a great sense of humour - thanks for sharing that bit of "irony." lol

abcw team

Kaori said...

Reminds me of one of my favorite karaoke songs, Alanis Morissette's Ironic ;D

Ingrid said...

Excellent idea !
ABC Team

tapirgal said...

Too funny, Francisca! The sign that belies. Iron, irony, rust. Funny.

Unknown said...


ABC Team

photowannabe said...

Thank you for my smile today.
Irony for sure. What a great find.

Wanda said...

Ha Ha Ha....I saw a similar sign that said Lawn Maintenace Perfection, and there were weeds and trash everywhere around the building....Such irony!!!!

Inger-M said...

So funny! I love the colors :-)

Kim, USA said...

Hehehe you nail it Francisca.

I am In

Lindy said...

Excellent find!

Lesley said...

this is "the ultimate..." hehehe

Unknown said...

Very Ironic, thanks for the laugh.

Andy said...

There's an old saying... Do as I say, not as I do.

Anita Johnson said...

Too funny! Love it!

Pat Tillett said...

That is so funny and very ironic...

genie said...

This one is as funny to me as my Elite Port-A-Potty Seats. I love it. I am grinning from ear to ear. genie

Unknown said...

Haha, not a good advertisement!

mrsnesbitt said...

Loved this - each ABC Wednesday I always find the day filled with smiles and adoration for the wonderful contributions. Thanks so much
Denise ABC Team