September 16, 2011

[SkyWatch] Another Bay Sunset

Manila Bay, 2011
Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal.
     ~ Elbert Hubbard (American writer 1856-1915)
[enlarge for a more magnificent view]
Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.
     ~ Rabindranath Tagore (Bengali polymath 1861-1941)
Linking with skies from around the globe at SkyWatch Friday.


~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Oh these are gorgeous sunset photos, and the silhouette of palm trees are stunning!

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely sky, Francisca. And I very much like the quote - such a positive attitude!

Pat Tillett said...

Great words and beautiful photos!

Kay L. Davies said...

I enjoyed enlarging the photos and seeing the ships, Francisca. A fabulous post today, both photos and words.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

joo said...

I love both, photos and quotes, and you know, I miss the sea!

Ms. Becky said...

oh, love the quotes today, they are so perfect with your lovely sunset photos. one of the most beautiful colors in a sunset for me are those pearl gray/blues. there's nothing quite like them. the drama of the last photos is awesome. happy day to you Francisca.

Kim, USA said...

I missed this place. Manila Bay is the best place to watch the sunset. ^_^


DeniseinVA said...

How fabulous! Love these photos Francisca.

Karen said...

Beautiful sunsets shots, love the big ships on the horizon.

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous, dramatic skies, wonderful colors and terrific captures, Francisca! The quote by Tagore is one of my favorite! Hope you've had a good week and enjoy a great weekend!


Kathy said...

There's nothing quite so stunning as a tropical sunset.

imriz said...

i always love the sunset...not actually in Manila (i do not enjoy the city smog^_^)
but we have perfectly sunset area in our backyard....looking through the rice fields:)

Ebie said...

Feeling nostalgic of the sunset! Great capture!

James said...

Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!

TheChieftess said...

Both shots are lovely Francisca...but ohhhh, that first shot!!! Love the colors of the sunset and silhouette of the trees!!! Excellent!

Andrea said...

Hi Francisca, Happy Weekend. This is the view of the Manila Bay Sunset i am familiar with, although of course i still haven't been there yet for the sunsets. Imagine that when i am living in QC of MM! By the way i am guessing if the honey your refer to is a Filipino.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Absolutely lovely; like a mini vacation for me!!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Beautiful photos and quotes.

Regards and best wishes

Kala said...

Stunning shots - especially when viewed large!

My name is Riet said...

KLOve your photo's and quotes, both beautiful.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful skies ! I love sunsets !

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Magic golden sunsets. The palms set them off just beautifully.

VioletSky said...


Anonymous said...

This is just stunning!

Luna Miranda said...

ah, a Manila Bay sunset---i'd love to sit by the coconut tree and watch. the Tagore quote is one of my favorite.

Unknown said...

Looks/feels tropical.... makes me think of holidays with Asian food and coconut juice :)

Anonymous said...

It is impossible to watch too many sunsets. Each one is a small window of insight. ~Mary

Kcalpesh said...

That's a beauty!! Wonderfully captured sunset....

Pixellicious Photos

Unknown said...

The bottom shot is outstanding! WOW!