August 23, 2011

Did You Hear About...?

Guizhou, China, 2006
[better viewed enlarged; click image]

Linking with Ruby Tuesday and Wordless Wednesday.


Linda said...

Marvelous work!! Happy Wednesday!!

Indrani said...

Great caption to the picture. :)

Andrea said...

Hahaha, i love this photo, they are so sweet. The composition is great too.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Sad to say, the roosters were probably consigned to the stew pot shortly after you took the photo. :(


A man who was out of his head
Was claiming he always saw red.
He saw it all day,
At work and at play,
And saw it at night while in bed.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Teleférico rojo

Gemma Wiseman said...

Definitely these guys look as if they are having an intimate tete-a-tete! Great photo!

Kim, USA said...

I just wonder what they are talking about lol!!

Red Barn

Sue H said...

They do look conspiratorial! Love the rich colors. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

lina@women's perspectives said...

hehehe, it's very unusual for me.
Two cocks are chatting; not competing and fighting about their territories?

Pooch said...

Looks like they've decided to make peace not war! Excellent example of anything being possible.

forgetmenot said...

Francisca, Thanks for coming by my blog. I love the roosters having a "quiet chat". And, the wood behind them makes an excellent background. Also, your old farmhouse is wonderful. Something so charming about photos like that. I'm going to become a follower because your blog is a great place to visit. Mickie :)

Carletta said...

They do look like they are having a wonderful chat. :)
You found a great moment to capture!

T. Becque said...

I love this and your title is perfect!

Lauren said...

Found you from WW link-up and was browsing your site- so many great photos & travels!

Anette said...

Ha ha, what a wonderful photo! The best I've seen today :)

Unknown said...

really nice. i am now following you, can you do the same for me please?

Cheryl said...

This is lovely. Very rustic.

Unknown said...

Mmm, are they catching up with gossips...

easygardener said...

Fun picture and caption. Having a chat while they wait for their personal transporter to arrive!

Gypsy Lala said...

So cute.