May 23, 2011

Forget Domani

Do you recognize this angel?

 Bucharest, 2011

My clue for you is the song Forget Domani sung by Katyna Ranieri. Listen to it, if you have a few minutes, it's so fun (right click on the title to open the link in a new tab).

Here is a longer view for the answer.

She is called Spirit of Ecstasy and has quite the romantic history. This hood ornament has adorned the RR since 1911. And the whole yellow car...

And what has that to do with Forget Domani? The song won Best Original Song at the 23rd Golden Globe Awards. It was for the movie The Yellow Rolls-Royce. It looks like a good film, but I've not seen it. Have you?

This post links with Macro Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday.


Kay L. Davies said...

I haven't seen the movie, but it has a great cast, and I've always liked the song.
Brilliant mellow yellow on that Rolls, Francisca!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

I've seen the movie...eons ago! My remembrance is it was quite good! Great photos!

Anonymous said...

The "angel" is Spirit of Ecstasy... It's an interesting story!

Unknown said...

Great compostiion of the angel in the top pic - I thought she looks familiar... but the I haven't seen that many RR around. :).

Francisca said...

@Theanne... thank you! I've modified the post. That's quite the story. When read as history it sounds quite romantic, not like the tabloid scandal that is Arnold's these days, hey?

Kala said...

Wonderful series of images from the macro of the hood ornament to the car itself. I must say, I've not seen this film.

VioletSky said...

I recognized the Spirit of Ecstasy immediately (great shot, by the way, with the yellow glow on her undersides!) but I have never heard of the movie, nor heard the song before. How did I miss it, I wonder? I've also never seen such a two toned Rolls before!

Kim, USA said...

I recognize right away the angel ^_^ This car is beautiful I guess it ride good ^_^

Yellow Bird

Kaori said...

I spotted the angel on a car once, too. Love how she's leaning forward! And very curious about the movie...Ingrid Bergman is in it? I was actually just watching Clark Gable and all his handsomeness on It Happened One Night...think I'll try to find the RR film for my next movie night ;D

Tasty Greetings from Sicily said...

Fantastic capture. I have never heard of the film but sounds like an interesting one.

Karen said...

An excellent series of shots!

Unknown said...

i haven't seen the movie but thanks for introducing me to this angel. and what a fabulous car!:p

Mellow Yellow Monday

Teuvo Vehkalahti said...

Hieno Rolls, väritys tuo mieleen Taxin.

Teuvo Finland

Ingrid said...

I am blind when it comes to cars, so I didn't know who this angel was, I first thought it had something to do with the Titanic movie ! (ignorant! lol)
I never saw the movie f the yellow Rolls Royce neither.

H said...

I recognised the angel immediately. It's tempting to leave it there and let everyone wonder if I own a Rolls Royce :) Unfortunately, not!

I live in Derby. Excluding the City Council, Rolls Royce are the single biggest employer in Derby. Admittedly, Rolls Royce Derby is aero-engines, but the symbols of the company are still widely recognised.

Cezar and Léia said...

I like a lot the way you show step by step the elegant car!
Amazing set of pictures!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Never even heard of the movie but now I'm dying to watch it.

Unknown said...

Great compostion on top! The car is fantastic and I remember the movie but I think I haven't seen it either.

Ryan Thompson said...

The car used in the film is a 1931 Rolls-Royce Phantom II Barker Sedanca De Ville, 9JS. It was restored some years ago and now looks basically identical to how it looked in the film. The newer RR shown above is either a Silver Shadow I/II or a Silver Wraith II, from the 1970s. I like the color combination -- pretty bold!

Francisca said...

Ryan, thanks for the additional information. I bet that '31 RR is a beaut! I hope I didn't give the impression I thought that this car is the same as in the movie. I didn't see the movie, but was just playing with the meme, yellow. Perhaps what I did say is that I found this car in China, and that makes it pretty unique there! :-)