March 26, 2011

Passion for Lines, Patterns and Reflections

Chisinau, 2011

This image of the exterior of a café called Passion in the Moldovan capital  of Chisinau is linked with Weekend in Black and White and Weekend Reflections. It's more interesting viewed twice enlarged.


Sylvia K said...

It is indeed fantastic enlarged!! And what a treasure chest of reflections for the day! Terrific capture as always, Francisca! Hope you have a beautiful weekend with lots of shadows and reflections because if there are lots of those, there is lots of sun and that makes for a wonderful weekend in itself!


VioletSky said...

Very different and with a bit of old fashioned charm.

genie said...

I’m so glad I enlarged the photo twice, because if I had not I would have missed out on a lot. I love linear photography so this is rig up my alley. The reflections in the glass up above the entryway are superb. Great work.

'Tsuki said...

Passion indeed !

I love this shot : the ornment on the wall is really beautiful and the way it reflect into the wall is amazing...

Dragonstar said...

Wonderful patterns!


Very interesting shot - nice patterns and lines.

You asked me about the melting of ice in februare - and you are right: It is very early. But in Oslo it can melt some days - and then the snowing sets in together with ice. SO - it is not over yet! :)

Thanks for your nice visit!

Scrappy Grams said...

Thanks for the hint; lots of detail that would have been missed. So beautiful.

H said...

It's certainly not a place you could easily miss! Very bold.

Serendipity said...

I do like that pattern!

tapirgal said...

You definitely caught interesting angles and reflections!

Pat Tillett said...

It took me a few seconds to figure it out! Very nice! Another post, another country! Thanks for the ongoing tour...

Martha Z said...

Lots of lines and angles here.

"Around California"

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I imagine the patterns either gold or white. Was color was it?

You allowed to be passionate inside?

Ingrid said...

Looks very original !

jabblog said...

Very intricate patterning and the reflections add to the appeal.

Kim, USA said...

Love those patterns. beautiful!

Weekend Reflection

EG CameraGirl said...

You are seeing so many amazing patterns as you travel! Thank you for taking the photos and sharing them with us,

Lowell said...

I embiggened this photo twice.
It is very nice.
I'd do it thrice,
But there's a price ...
To pay.

It wouldn't fit on my screen.

Now, before you scream, my dear Bucharette, thanks for your comment. And I'm so glad that you're swimming and not drowning! It would seem if you can stay afloat you're eventually going to make the far shore in good shape.

Finally, I must also say that I could maybe, perhaps, be quite passionate about the Passion.

Do you have this photo in color?

fredamans said...

Interesting monochrome.

Laura said...

gorgeous patterns!

Louis la Vache said...

Excellent - this works very nicely in monochrome.

Unknown said...

Francisca, so exhilarating a photo! How was this pattern done? painted? on what? tiles? Beautiful, no matter how.

Unknown said...

Francisca, so exhilarating a photo! How was this pattern done? painted? on what? tiles? Beautiful, no matter how.

Kaori said...

Oh you're right! Definitaly should enlarge! This is a fabulous black and white photo, Francisca :-D

Hope you're having a wonderful week!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I'm impressed. It's so hard to get what we see with the eye to register accurately onto film.

Unknown said...

Very original!