March 20, 2011

Hooded Crow

I don't think I've ever seen so many crows in a city as I have in Bucharest, although Kyoto may rank a close second.

 Bucharest, 2011

Romania is home to the Hooded Crow - an ashy gray bird with black head, throat, wings, tail and thigh feathers, as well as a black bill, eyes and feet. But its coloration is about all that sets it apart from the usual black crow; an omnivorous and opportunistic forager and feeder.

I've seen these crows in flight in very large groups, but unfortunately my camera did not capture them. These two loners join Misty's Camera Critters.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That is very interesting. I don't think we have those kind of crows here in the midwest USA.

B i r g i t t a said...

Looks like our Swedish crows :) Intelligent birds

Jidhu Jose said...

nice shots

Lowell said...'ve got something to crow about...I've never seen these or heard about them. Rather pretty, actually.

Hope you have a good trip to Moldova and that it will be an opportunity to garner some terrific photos.

H said...

I'll be posting about a crow later on this week; a plain black killer crow from a family of plain black killer crows!

Pat Tillett said...

The most crows I've ever seen, I see everyday as they fly by our house. Their roost is about a mile away and their daytime "turf" is several square miles on the other side of our house. At dusk they fly by in great numbers for about 30 to an hour.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh how gorgeous!

My Camera Critter post, have a nice weekend.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I kind of want to say 'a crow is a crow is a crow', but that would sound blase, a thing I'm not ever accused of being. And really this is a lovelier bird than the crows we see around -- well -- wherever we happen to be. Maybe it's just because it's a little bit different.

Dubster said...

Interesting creature and great shot btw

Scrappy Grams said...

I surely have never seen anything but black crows. They definitely are scavenger!

Anonymous said...

What a handsome creature!

Gary Orona said...

This is interesting Francisca. I thought Crows are only black. I didn't know about this other specie. Thanks for sharing this.

Joanne said...

Hello, I'm back! Bucharest keeps popping up recently in many forms, people visiting there and coming back with lots of good vibes. You have given me another insight that really makes me think that I have to get there:) These pictures sell it well, thanks!

eileeninmd said...

Cool shots of the Hooded Crow. They are neat looking and nice to see a different kind of crow.

Kaori said...

I've never seen a crow like that before! But I guess a crow is a crow, no matter what color it is.

Hope you are enjoying your stay in Bucharest :-D


Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos, hooded crosw are very handsome birds, we get them in the north and west of Scotland too

VP said...

We don't see many crows here, but aren't they usually black?

Carolyn Ford said...

what a pretty boy! I have learned something today...I always thought a crow was a crow was a crow! I guess not!

Unknown said...

Beautiful species! Crows reminds me of India.

Lowell said...

Re your comment on Stone Creek: I distinctly remember heard a soft voice calling "Francisca! Francisca!" as we walked along the road! :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Hooded crows are better looking than the black crows we have here. Is this variety as clever as the variety that lives in Canada?

Anita Johnson said...

What a nice looking crow...I don't think we have them here, but I'm going to check my bird book to see!

Ingrid said...

We only have black crows in Belgium, I have never seen such a crow !

Andrea said...

Those are beautiful crows, i havent seen them yet, even in Sweden which Birgitta said they have. We have lots of the black common ones in our province Batangas.