October 11, 2010

Yellow Tropical Flowers

One early morning last month when we were in Mindoro Oriental, I walked out with my camera for a few minutes before breakfast was served to see what I could find. We were in a quiet private residential area and my eyes were attracted to an empty lot that someone had lovingly converted into a garden.

Here is a montage of a few of the blossoms I saw. Now I wonder if I'm being silly posting images of flowers I cannot name, but maybe you can help me.

Mindoro, 2010

From top left going clockwise we start with a variety of the heliconia (false bird of paradise), then two kinds of gumamela (more commonly known as hibiscus; a cousin of the hollyhock), followed by two mystery flowers (the bottom right Imriz identified as a euphorbia, but I'm not sure the middle one is a yellow bell) and ending with another gumamela. A better view of the blossoms can be had by clicking on the montage and then again when it's open in its own tab.

This little montage of flowers is joining the linking parties at Mellow Yellow Monday,  Mosaic Monday and Today's Flowers.


Unknown said...

Beautiful, all of them. Even the nameless ones!

EG CameraGirl said...

The flowers are to die for! Truly gorgeous!

tapirgal said...

No problem posting without names. It takes the pressure off, yes? They are pretty, and someone will probably know. Nice montage. I hadn't seen the false bird of paradise before, or have not recognized it. I grew up with real ones in the back yard, and I've always liked them.

Larry said...

I enjoy hibiscus more with each passing year and the many new cultivars coming to the market place! L

Lowell said...

Beautiful! "False bird of paradise"? That's so funny.

I don't know much about flowers, but I recognized the hibiscus or "cousin of the hillbilly." Wait, that's wrong. Hollyhock!

Anyway, re your beer...I remember years ago a beer called Dortmunder Hansa...got it in Phoenix. Very good stuff.

Re bears: Our daughter lives at almost 9000 feet. Not so long ago, after she heard some commotion in her garage (underneath the house) she went to investigate and found a momma bear and two cubs...little cubs, only about 300 lbs...rummaging around. She scared them away, but not before they made a huge mess of things!

DeniseinVA said...

I am happy to see these flowers even without their names. They are all beauties. Thank you for sharing them Francisca.

Kay L. Davies said...

The mystery flower in the bottom righthand corner is amazing. I love the hibiscus, but never realized they were related to the hollyhock.
-- K

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous selection!

Fox Gloves Flowers

Unknown said...

You seem to be everywhere!:p
beautiful collage--i love the yellow gumamela.

i posted my flowers here: http://savorthebite.blogspot.com/2010/10/todays-flowers-10.html

Anita Johnson said...

These are so beautiful! We had frost so most of our flowers are gone. I'll have to stop by here when I need a splash of color. (You asked if the frog on my blog was actually a toad...it really is a tree frog with sticky little toe pads. My favorite frog around here!)

Ingrid said...

When it's grey outside it's nice to look at beautiful flower pictures !

Unknown said...

gumamela, euphorbia, yellow bell, bird of paradise...not sure w/ the last two.

cieldequimper said...

Three hibiscus is all I know. So beautiful, all of them.

Lesley said...

I've always loved the dramatic flair of the bird of paradise.

Erika B said...

That's a beautiful collage. Not very good with the different names of flowers but sure do love looking at them and enjoying them.

Erika B

Kim, USA said...

Now I knew why hibiscus/gumamela and hollyhocks are almost the same it's because they are cousins ^_^. Love your collage Francisca, thanks for sharing! Happy weekdays!
Indian Corn
Favorite Snack

Kaori said...

Who needs a name when the flowers are so gorgeous? Thanks for sharing the beauty, Francisca :D

jennyfreckles said...

They are all lovely - I don't think I'd realised that hibiscus (...cusses,...sci? what's the plural?) come in so many colours. The pink one with the apricot fringing is my favourite.
PS Thanks for your note - no problem.

Louis la Vache said...

Just what «Louis» needed on an otherwise rather depressing Monday - cheerful floral images. «Louis» thanks you for the day-brightener.

Pat Tillett said...

beautiful photographs! I love the colors...

Barbara Jean said...

wow! those are gorgeous!!

thanks for the photos

barbara jean