November 10, 2011

B is for Bicycle

On an otherwise barren country road in the beautiful province of Palawan, I spotted this human being on an amusing bicycle.

Palawan, 2010

I've been biding my time for a befitting occasion to post this bicyclist, and now seems as good as any, when B is the letter at Alphabe-Thursday. I can bare that the bike I rode back a few weeks ago through villages of Kaiping looked nothing like this one!

What came to mind was a silly 1971 pop song by Melanie [click name to hear it] called: Brand New Key. Do you remember it? The stanza that got burned onto my brain cells all those many years ago goes like this:

I ride my bike, I roller skate, don't drive no car
Don't go too fast, but I go pretty far
For somebody who don't drive
I been all around the world
Some people say, I done all right for a girl 

The bother with a ditty like this is that once it bubbles into my mind, it takes hours to brush it out! I bet I'm not the only one...

And while we babble about bicycles, watch this boy Danny MacAskill [click to view] bike from Edinburgh to Skye. It will bowl you over! Simply brilliant!


~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Whoa, what a cool bike, very fancy too I have to add.

I haven't heard of this song before, so that was fun listening to.

jennyfreckles said...

Yes, I remember that song. I'll probably be singing it too now! Amazing bike, looks handbuilt. He will be able to see over high walls on that.

Birdman said...

My mom could never ride one. Afraid of heights. No kidding!

EG CameraGirl said...

I have a feeling I'd have a lot of trouble riding that bike!

Andrea said...

That is a very refreshing scene in Palawan, i smiled at the color of the light stems. That song very well describe you, except for the 'not driving' thing.

Betty said...

Thanks, now it's playing over and over again in my mind. It must be a form of OCD. Good "B" word and I love that guy's bike!

Esther Joy said...

The bike reminds me a little of a trail bike my son had when he was little. He about rode the wheels off of it!

Teresa said...

That is quite the interesting bicycle!

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

love bikes, what a fun take on B.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Yeeek, thanks for the earworm! Love the bike.... and all the Beeees.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

OOops unforgivable sin -- I put the wrong link in the above comment -- forgot I'd saved another person's post to add to my list to look at later. Sorry.

cieldequimper said...

Fantastic bike and look at those street lamps!

Arnab Majumdar said...

That's a very interesting bicycle indeed :D

Arnab Majumdar

Vicki/Jake said...

HAHA, I dang near used that same song on my post this timne! Seems we've both created earworms this week:) And what fun bikes!

Vicki/Jake said...

Had to come back to say I watched Danny and wow,what an art! Brilliant for sure:)

Anonymous said...

That bike is just delightful! Love that first shot so much.

Anonymous said...

That is quite a bike! The hat is so unique. What fun picture!

Susan Anderson said...

Wow! I love the scenery and the music in that video. (I like his accent, too!)


Susan Anderson said...

PS. He can sure ride that thing, can't he?

21 Wits said...

A person can just have so much fun with the letter B! What a delightful fun easy going post!

Judie said...

I have always thought that was such a catchy tune!

That bike is certainly interesting. I have never seen one like it. Cool post, Francisca!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Wow! That is a "high-rolling" mode of transportation! Wonder how you get up on it?

Love your B post!!! And for some reason, I thought I have already been following your blog. ...I am now, and will be adding you to my sidebar to help me hopefully keep better connected :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
& Thank you so much for your sweet comments :o)

Pat Tillett said...

Love the pic, the bike and the hat the guy is wearing!

Pondside said...

That bike is really something!
Now I have that tune in my head....oh noooooo!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I remember that song! I love your "B" post, so much fun!!

anitamombanita said...

Hilarious!! Love love love the bike!

I missed the posting deadline for Alphabe-Thursday this week...feel free to stop by, tho... :)

Jenny said...

What a brilliant capture!

And what a fun bicycle.

I'll be smiling over this picture all day!

Thanks for sharing it and for linking up to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "B".

You are the best!


Unknown said...

Now, that's a very cool bike!