December 10, 2010

[SkyWatch] Buttermilk in the Sky

When I was a child growing up in Finland I used to love buttermilk. When my family moved to Canada, I was given a glass, and for reasons beyond me then, I was instantly turned off; it just didn't taste the same! I had similar reactions to other dairy product like milk and especially butter, yet over the years I grew accustomed to them. But I never went back to drinking buttermilk.

I think of that wistfully every now and then when I see buttermilk in the sky.

 Manila, 2010

Do you drink buttermilk?

I'm linking with SkyWatch Friday where you'll find hundreds much more brilliant skies.


Kay L. Davies said...

Good "ole buttermilk skies", Francisca.
I don't like drinking it, but it looks great in the your photos.
-- K

Sylvia K said...

I do like buttermilk although for whatever reason I don't keep it around like I did at one time. But I do LOVE your buttermilk skies! What delightful captures for the day, Francisca! Hope your week has gone well and that you're ready for a delightful weekend!! Enjoy!


Carolyn Ford said...

Oh,YES! That is a gorgeous sky! Love it!

joco said...

How very unusual.
Don't know about the buttermilk, but I like your sky.

Dina said...

So you grew up in Suomi? Huuva!

I always assumed buttermilk would be yucky and never tried it.
But your milky sky is pretty.

Unknown said...

i don't like milk in general but i like your photos. i am waiting for a choir singing Hallelujah!:p

tapirgal said...

That's a great name for these skies, and beautiful images! I love buttermilk, but I wonder how much more I'd like it if I were drinking it in Finland? I remember when my Mom used to drink it and I hated it, so in my case, it's something I grew into. I don't remember why I tried it as an adult - maybe I read that it was good for you.

Unknown said...

Hi Francisca, the place is called Silangang Nayon in Pagbilao, Quezon. for lunch, we didn't make any reservations. oh, when you're at The Tamarind Tree, don't miss to visit the cove in Pagbilao and the nearby islands. have fun!

Gabriela Abalo said...

Awesomes shots!!

stunning light!!

have a marvelous weekend


Kaori said...

I've never had buttermilk but you've got me curious now, Fransisca! Maybe I'll go look for it at the gorcery store soon!

The sky is so pretty with the dots from the bright sunlight! Love it :-D

Happy friday!

Kim, USA said...

I don't drink milk much so buttermilk. Buttermilk is what my hubby put as liquid to make a good pancake and it's really good. When I arrived here in MI (six years ago) he bought eggnog, for a newbie and haven't knew what is eggnog I drink it, it was ekkkkk! He wondered and all his family why I don't like it, I just don't nothing personal hehehe.
Note: Do you notice many Filipinos don't like or don't drink milk? I just read the comment of Luna she don't drink milk too hehe. Happy weekend and take care!
My Sky

Ingrid said...

I used to drink a lot in my childhood in Germany. then when we moved to Belgium it was rather hard to find. Now I get it everywhere and I still love to drink it when it's very hot in summer ! nice and ice cold !

fredamans said...

I love Canada, been here my whole 34 years, but I don't drink buttermilk. EW!

Beautiful shots!

jabblog said...

Lovely skies but I've never heard them called buttermilk skies. I've never tasted buttermilk either - obviously, I've never lived ;-)

Lowell said...

I tried buttermilk once when a kid. Never again.

Perhaps that's why I call these cotton candy skies.

Maybe I should talk with my shrink?

Unknown said...

I like to see these together so very much!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Nope! One of thos things that look wayyyy better than they taste! I wonder what's different about it from place to place though.

Your pictures are beautiful

VioletSky said...

I know exactly what you mean and I get wistful too, sometimes, when I see these skies.
I don't know if I had even had buttermilk before I lived in Holland, but their buttermilk and yoghourt I absolutely loved. When I came back to Canad, I was so disappointed in the taste and texture of both.

jennyfreckles said...

I've never tasted buttermilk - I don't think you can get it generally here. We call these skies 'mackerel' - a long way from buttermilk!

EG CameraGirl said...

This is a lovely sky, Francisca!

Pat Tillett said...

I used to love buttermilk, but for some reason or another, I haven't had any in years...

great sky!