October 29, 2011

Ready for Coffee

Manila, 2011

A few days ago I readied my cafetière à piston to make my habitual morning cup of arabica. As I placed it on our marble kitchen counter I noticed and savored the light effects and shadows. [Better viewed enlarged.]

Linking with the meme communities at Weekend in Black and White and Shadow Shot Sunday

And for the season:


cieldequimper said...

Well done!

I wonder why I don't like coffee...

jabblog said...

Splendid! Well observed.

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, you're so right, it's wonderful when enlarged. I love it.
I just got a giggle out of your comment about your husband. Mine also thinks I'm obsessed with blogging, but is happy to provide me with photos.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

H said...

It's a super study in black and white! Well spotted.

Ms. Becky said...

yes!!! enlarged it's a fantastic shadow shot - so moody and contrasted. I've always fancied one of those coffee-makers too. and a Happy Halloween back at you Francisca!

Ms. Becky said...

dang it. I forgot. I truly love your comment about the Van Gogh quote. it struck me as appropriate at the time, given what I was doing and also my dilemma with last week's shadow shot. you are amazingly observant, I love that. happy weekend to you Francisca.

Ingrid said...

Yes that's a very creative picture with a simple coffee maker ! Now I want to have a cup of coffee, but it is already 10 pm !

Gemma Wiseman said...

Fascinating light patterns! Great perspective!

Unknown said...

Nice monotone pic. Coffee - I am thinking about it now!

tapirgal said...

Award of Excellence! Lovely.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

That's a gorgeous picture in black and white, and the shadow is fantastic.

Pat Tillett said...

You've posted a ton of great photos, but this one just might be the best. This thing belongs hanging in a gallery with a nice price tag on it. Seriously...

Vicki/Jake said...

Seriously.....I love it. And it does belong in a gallery:)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Your plunger makes coffee for one? My church has morning tea, and our coffee comes from thailand. Confession time? I don't like that coffee.

Thanks for advice about the idiot. He visited my blogs many times, and I ignored him, but today, I thought someone might share what they do with him.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

It WAS better viewed large...and it was great to begin with! Nice work!

lina@home sweet home said...

Playful lights and shadows!
Awesome :)

Thanks for dropping by, Francisca...

Lowell said...

Serendipitous moments such as the one you described often provide the best photographs...such as this!

Re your comments on Stone Creek: That sky was pretty amazing; it is reflected in a small "lake" which doth indeed contain a fountain...the shot was taken early evening.

The foggy shot: Well, you have to understand golfers. Neither rain, nor snow, nor cold, nor heat, nor fog will keep us from our appointed round or from the practice range. I've often hit a golf ball into the great foggy unknown with nary a hint as to where it landed. Usually, though, I found it. :-)

John said...

I love Italian Espresso when in Italy, otherwise it's mainly tea for me.

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Great shot. Now we need to go make coffee.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Al said...

That is an amazing play of light and shadow, great capture. It goes to show that you've got to keep your eyes open all the time!

Arti said...

Beautifully shot. The black and white combined with the eagle eyed shot make it fascinating...
Hope you are having a fabulous weekend:)

Anonymous said...

The lighting is beautiful, I never quite got the hang of presses, but I understand them make good coffee.

I use Silver EFEX Pro because it's only purpose is monochrome processing and it has a lot of capabilities including film emulations.

Sylvia K said...

Terrific shadow for the day, Cisca! Which reminds me -- I'm ready for a cup right now!! Hope you have a lovely evening and a great tomorrow! Enjoy!


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Kitchens are often wondrous places to find amazing shadows, as you have ably proved by your photo!


Shadows creeping through the land,
Shadows dark on every hand—
If they should begin to glow,
You had better run, you know!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Shadows here and here

Catherine said...

stunning composition....

Anonymous said...

Francisca -- this is a lovely still life. The light, shadows and forms resonate with me. Thanks for dropping by. I always appreciate your comments.

Now I must refill my coffee cup.

genie said...

You already know I am in love with this shot. Any nice photography with lines and curves excites me. This one is wonderful. I am so glad you thought to grab your camera and click the shutter. genie

Lesley said...

I love this shot. It looks almost sinister.

EG CameraGirl said...

Great shadows, Francisca! Happy Halloween to you too!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

A contemporary still life. Beautiful lighting.

strandskatan said...

Interesting... very nice light :)

Dianne said...

I love the scene you created and I love the b&w

Happy Halloween :)

jennyfreckles said...

Beauty in the ordinary - but you have to stop and notice it.

Dragonstar said...

I love the shapes of my cafetiere, and I've often tried to photograph it but never been satisfied. Now I know I was missing the sunlight through your lovely window! I like this very much.

Unknown said...

Wonderful play of light and shadows.

Tina´s PicStory said...

i have the same coffee maker :) but i don´t have such a great shot from it! i have to work on :)