July 12, 2011

[MyWorld] Notre Dame de Vie Chapel

Since I returned to Manila, my honey and I have been hunting for a new home. Wanting to stay in the same area we've lived most of the past two decades, in the southern part of the city, we've been cruising around, looking at options in different subdivisions.

One day we stumbled on a development we'd not seen before, and this is the sight that caught my eyes.

I've since learned that this is Notre Dame de Vie Chapel, a venue for weddings and other social events. I think another time I'll have to go in closer to see what else there is to discover. But this day we were on a mission, so I stopped with just admiring this large glass dome.

Manila, 2011

I am also happy to report that we found a suitable house and are now fully engaged in packing up our belongings to make the move over the next weeks.

And this is my world at the moment, so I share with the community at MyWorld Tuesday.


Unknown said...

It is a very impressive building. Congratulations on the new home - all the best!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of the chapel.

Sivinden said...

Great shots of the dome - impressive architecture!

Sylvia K said...

Love the dome of the cathedral and what terrific captures! I'm so happy you've found your new home and hold good thoughts for smooth and easy move -- if there is such a thing!! Have a great week! Look forward to seeing pics of your new home!


Photo Cache said...

that is a pretty impressive taste of this structure. the dome is lovely. you should get there someday and report how the interiors look like.

more power to your packing and then unpacking. take time to breathe.

EG CameraGirl said...

Notre Dame de Vie Chapel is very attractive, Francisca, but way too big for your new home. OK, just kidding. What a big change in your life to move after two decades!

jennyfreckles said...

So happy that this is really a chapel. Over here it would be a shopping mall! I wish you every happiness in your move and hope the packing up isn't too arduous.

Unknown said...

Fantastic place and awesome shots! Did you manage to get a house with this view?

Carola said...

Wonderful photos, love the second one most (especially the shining roof and the windows).

Ms. Becky said...

oh house hunting can be so much fun. glad you've found one that you can call home. and this photo leaves me speechless. and that isn't an easy task.

genie said...

Gorgeous architecture and an absolutely beautiful dome. I am so thrilled you all have found yourselves a new place and will be moving in soon. Like Sylvia, you will have to post us some photos after you get settled. Hugs from Virginia...Genie

Anita Johnson said...

Wow! What a beautiful building! And now, close to you? Congratulations on the new home...I wish all of us blog friends could come help you move and maybe get in a photo shoot or too! I so enjoy your view.

Frostbite and Sunburn said...

Lovely dome!

Best wishes for settling into your new home - exciting times.

Halie said...

The photos are lovely. I hope you have a smooth transition.

If you have time, I hope you can drop by:

Psychemage Photography

joo said...

First of all, congratulations on your new home! Moving is always so exciting:)
The place you're showing here is lovely!
I also want to tell you that Romania is absolutely enchanting - will have to go back there!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I wish my husband is so easy like you 2, We are wanting to buy a house but he is so fussy.

cieldequimper said...

Oh wow, those photos are stunning.

Happy move!

Cezar and Léia said...

It's a fabulous Chapel and huge!
And dramatic color of this sky in the background.
Thanks for sharing, this place is stunning!

Kaori said...

The building looks a little like something from the future! Very cool dome. Hope you do get a chance to step in there one of these days!

But it seems like you're going to be busy busy busy with your move. Good luck! :D

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous dome!

Ingrid said...

Househunting can be interesting ! beautiful building you discovered there ! Hope you have a smooth move and congratulations to your new home !

Halcyon said...

It looks sort of unreal! Like an alien ship landed in the middle of nowhere. The dome is rather nice though. :)

Anonymous said...

My computer have been making lots of fun, hmm, the last 6-8 weeks, why visiting bloggerfriends have been full of problems, giving comments lots more problems, and latest just setting photos on my own blog not possibel some times. Now - by help - it seems I'm back on the road :-D

All best wishes at/for your new home ;-)