July 20, 2011

A is for Amber

Can you believe it! ABC Wednesday is back to the start of the alphabet! After you ooh and aah my photo, go check out what others have been able to do with the first letter A.

Here's a fun shot I got a few years back in Hong Kong, a smiling vendor of amber jewelry. Isn't that an amazing chunk she's wearing? Did you ever imagine anyone could sell ONLY jewelry made of amber?

Hong Kong, 2007


Sciarada said...

Ciao Francisca, very nice image, showing a smile and gives it to the viewer!
Have a excellent day!

jabblog said...

That amber necklace is enormous - but I think amber is reasonably light? Your model looks very happy:-)

Sylvia K said...

Delightful, different post for the A Day, Francisca! Love your smiling model! And that is a BIG necklace regardless of the weight! Hope your week is going well!


Kay L. Davies said...

That necklace is ABsolutely amazing, Francisca. It should count as two letters of the alphabet. :o)

—Kay, Alberta, Canada

Roger Owen Green said...

Those are MASSIVE baubles!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

photowannabe said...

My goodness, that necklace could be used for a weapon....
I always have regreated not buying amber when we were in Leningrad in the 80's. Looking back on things, the jewelry wasn't that expensive but when one doesn't have the money to begin with, I guess its all relative.

photowannabe said...

Thanks for your comment. I hadn't thought of the picture looking like a womb but it really could be...

Pat Tillett said...

Beautiful photo! The reason she looks so happy is that she is rich! That's a lot of amber...

DeniseinVA said...

What a lovely smile she has. The necklace is amazing!

Wanda said...

I like "Big" jewerly. This is certainly an AMBER post.

Jane and Chris said...

Holy Moly! That's a HUGE necklace!
Jane x

Linda said...

What a delightful smile to accompany the amber necklace.

Linda ( a member of theABC Wednesday Team)

joo said...

Wow, impressive necklace! But Francisca, of course I do - there are many places at the Polish seaside selling only jewelry made of amber:)

H said...

Goodness, that's a MASSIVE chunk of amber!!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous smile!

Please come and see someArt Expression at my page, thanks.
PS.. I love your "Di Ba" phrase, good job.

Irene said...

That's an obscene amount of amber she's wearing. Nobody should have that much amber all by herself.

EJ said...

Radiant smile!

Please come see my Abstract post.

Shooting Parrots said...

Definitely the smile of a sales person!

Birdman said...

Wow! That;s a lot of yellow. I might get bored.

Kate said...

I've seen shops with lots of amber before but nothing like this. Necklace would be too heavy for me!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that is a necklace ! I have some jewelry in amber love it, but not that big, lol !
ABC team

cieldequimper said...

Oh wow. Never seen anything like it. The necklace I mean.

When she was a child, my Mum used to collect amber on the shore of the Baltic sea. All you had to do was bend down. Not possible anymore...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Amber: It is a gum or something? Once we visited a part of NZ, people used to dig kuari gum. They looked like Amber. Some even have insects trapped in them. They were the same color as your amber.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I'd love to know how to tell amber from plastic. (No insinuations regarding this shop). I once bought two necklaces in a thrift shop hoping like heck they were amber. Nope. To the naive shopper plastic and amber have similar weight and amber can be clear without bubble or striations. How is one to know for sure? In the meantime, love the hugeness of this particular offering.

Kathy said...

Wow, that is one heavy chunk of amber. I once bought a beautiful unpolished amber necklace from Denmark (the jewelry of the Vikings) in the Virgin Islands. Kept it for 25 years and then gave it to a friend last year. It was worth a small fortune but I never wore it and it looked more beautiful on her than it did me!

Unknown said...

WOW! What a necklace!

Tiffany in Topeka said...

Thanks to ABC Wednesday, I have stumbled upon your blog. I have always dreamed of globe trotting and discovering the fascinating places only seen in pictures and movies.

Thank you for blog posts and I hope to see many, many more! :)


EG CameraGirl said...

WOW! Look at all that amber! I have a few pieces of amber but nothing that humongous!