June 8, 2011

U is for University

This is Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest. Established in 1857, it is today the largest state-run health services university with nearly 3000 employees, 1600 teachers and 4800 students. Penicillin was first isolated in the Faculty of Pharmacy in 1921.

PS. I stand corrected! This building is the Central University Library of Bucharest founded in 1895.

In front of the building is the equestrian statue of King Carol I, proclaimed King of Romania on 26 March 1881. He is not to be confused with Carol Davila, the French expatriate physician who founded the university.

 Bucharest, 2011

U is the letter of the week at ABC Wedbesday, and this next image is offered for the folks at Sepia Scenes.


Ms. Becky said...

ooh, I like that sepia Francisca. you photograph the most amazing examples of architecture.

Kay L. Davies said...

Very interesting, Francisca. A beautiful old university.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Sylvia K said...

Marvelous, interesting post for the U Day, Francisca! Love the sepia capture and all of your shots are terrific. Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!

ABC Team

fredamans said...

What a beautiful place!


Unknown said...

Nice shots, Francisca! Love the sepia, especially.

Thanks for you intelligent and thoughtful comment on my homelessness post. I appreciate your visits.


Roger Owen Green said...

a charming university it is
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

VioletSky said...

Such a university looks very inspiring.

Wanda said...

What a beautiful University. That last picture really is stunning.

photowannabe said...

I love the way you share your travels around the world. Fascinating photos and the University is quite lovely.

Anita Johnson said...

What a beautiful building...such detail. And I love the fruit in the trunk form your previous post...so fun!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of the University campus.

Leslie: said...

Beautiful - I really like the architecture...very different from my university, of which I write this week.

abcw team

Dina said...

Building, statue, and facts -- all very impressive.

cieldequimper said...

Interesting, I thought penicillin was 'older' than that. Everybody seems to claim having isolated it...
This is so much better than modern universities!

Unknown said...

Great buildings. I think the sepia works very well too.

Re your comment:
Haha, yes! I don't like getting "massaged"! I agree re the A/C units... but maybe a monotone pic might be OK.


Ingrid said...

What a beautiful building !
ABC team

joo said...

Elegant building:)

anemonen said...

Very interesting post.

Unknown said...

Great building! I love the way you made it in sepia... Well done!

B i r g i t t a said...

A perfect word for U, Francisca!
I love the shade in the sepia photo!
Have a great day!

Kaori said...

Really really great photos, Francisca! King Carol I looks very dignified on that horse! I think the university may want these to make into postcards :D

nonizamboni said...

You found a perfect choice for U, out of which came so many benefits for humanity.
Nice photos!

jabblog said...

That is a grand and impressive building, Francisca. Who could fail to learn and work in such lovely surroundings.

EG CameraGirl said...

The building is handsome and I love the statue out front!

Angi said...

very beautiful place and shots!

Maryhocam said...

Beautiful building. I wonder is it any easier to study in beautiful surroundings?

Pat Tillett said...

Thanks for the photo-tour! Very interesting and great photos. Lots of history there...

Linda said...

A beautiful sepia shot!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous building and great compositions!

Miehs said...

Actually, the building is the Central University Library of Bucharest (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_University_Library_of_Bucharest). The building of the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in bucharest is: (see http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palatul_Facult%C4%83%C8%9Bii_de_Medicin%C4%83_din_Bucure%C8%99ti), with the monument of Carol Davila in front.

Francisca said...

Oooops! Thank you for the correction, Miehls! Much appreciated.