July 9, 2012

Reposo Mural: Hermes Alegre

Hermes Alegre is an artist who likes his women... to paint them, that is. 

This internationally recognized Filipino talent is known for his sultry and exotic women surrounded by lush fantasies of tropical foliage (click to see more of his wonderful work).

In 2006 I chanced upon Hermes contributing to the Reposo fine art wall (featured earlier on my blog here, here and here). Although most of his canvasses are a delicious profusion of colors, this spot on the wall seems perfect for this black and white portrait.

 Manila, 2006

I recently drove by the wall and was saddened to see that new construction had all but demolished most this amazing fine art. I'm so glad I have a digital record of much of it.

Joining the community at Monday Mural.


  1. Maybe he will be able to create new art on the new buildings? Though, yes, it is good to take photos of street art as one never knows when it may disappear (or be defiled).

  2. Glad you were able to capture this artists work. He's really good.


  3. I seldom see black and white murals...a talented guy!

  4. oh that is sad...i like the portrait of the artist as well as his work!

  5. I've always said if you're gonna draw women draw the exotic, sultry kind. Well, I have so! Ask anyone.

    If you have enough of his work captured digitally, perhaps you do produce a coffee table book? Oui?

  6. I had not heard of this artist before, but I do like his work, thanks for sharing!

  7. Really, what a chance to witness him in action!

  8. That's a lovely work of art. So shame it's been destroyed.

  9. Capturing an artist at work painting a mural is a rare find indeed.

  10. Time changes so many things doesn't it? I love his work and he is so cute I want to hug him.

  11. Ahhhh the ethereal nature of street art. That is why those of us that photograph it and post it for posterity are so important - keeps them alive.

  12. So glad to have seen this one - glad you 'saved' it for us!

  13. So glad also you have records for posterity, i hope he can see your post. I am sure he will love this. I confess, artists like him here are not getting the attention they deserve.

  14. I really love this art. I am also heartbroken when street art disappears from the world. Thanks for sharing it!

  15. Street artists probably understand that their work will not last long. Those who are good build an appreciative audience that help them develop other means to live off their art. In the meantime, you provide an important service in spreading the word and preserving some of the images. So glad you preserved this one for others to enjoy. Thanks for contributing to Monday Mural, Francisca.

  16. Sallie (FullTime-Life)July 12, 2012 at 4:11 AM

    How fun to get to see him work -- perhaps he knew his work wouldn't last forever there?

  17. Thanks to you, we get to see it also!
    Progress is rarely progressive it seems...

  18. How fun that you actually have the artist with the mural!

  19. I am always saddened when I can't get a photo of something the first time I see it (or the shots turns out badly) because so many times it is gone or changed by the time I am able to return for a second shot of it.

    Still I have a hard time deleting the bad shots because they still give me the mental jog to my memory .


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