July 7, 2012

Brown Deer

Almost two years ago I showed you some white deer in a private zoo quite near my home. Yesterday when we drove by there was a new herd of deer, this time mostly brown.

Since I know as little about animals as I know about flowers and plants, I'll refrain from trying to guess what species of deer these are. But they sure are cute Camera Critters!

Manila, 2012

This last one, better viewed enlarged, is for the meme Mosaic Monday.

We're solidly in the wet season now, but you can see from the dried out vegetation that it's been a long dry summer in Manila.


  1. I love these animals! They always remember me of Bambi:)

  2. I always think of deer as calm, majestic creatures. Whatever kind these are, I hope they are enjoying their new home.

  3. Whatever species of deer they are, I'm sure glad you shared them. Lovely they are.

  4. I like to try to identify animals and plants, but since these are in the Philippines I am sure I have no idea!

    I like the first shot, those deer looking right at you make it great!

  5. They are cute and, since I know very little about deer, I'm fine with calling them simply deer. :)

  6. Very cool sighting! I love deer, they are so pretty. Loved the photos and mosaic. Have a great Sunday!

  7. Deer are such lovely creatures. You are lucky to see so many.

  8. The lighter dappled one really stands out - a good set of antlers too. You did well to catch them so close.

  9. I really like the pale-colored deer in the second shot - very regal looking. they're all beautiful. I'm glad you're getting rain - could you send some my way? happy week to you Francisca.

  10. Gorgeous!

    Late visiting from Camera Critters. Come and take at peek at my Bunnies when you get a chance. Have a great week ahead.

  11. Dear me, I thought. Francisca has taken some beautiful pictures of deer. They are brown. Some have horns. I'd say they're horny brown deer.

  12. Good looking deer! (And that's enough ID for me ;>)

  13. I don't know what kind of deer they are, but they are a good looking lot! Nice photos!

  14. Beautiful shots...


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