January 9, 2012

Monday Mural V - Reposo II

This is the second of the Reposo fine art murals.

The artist is Eddie Cabisada. The only information I could find about him is from his social media profiles: he is a self-described muralist who works in acrylics, oil and water colors, and he "doesn't like people who are liar and cheaters."

I like his bold use of colors here.

Manila, 2008

Find more murals here, here, here, here, and here. Our little mural group is expanding. How about you, you have a mural to share next Monday?


  1. Francisca thanks for the tip on the broken link in my Monday Mural. I think it is now fixed. You are right about the bold colours in your mural. You can find my mural here.

  2. it is also nice to have the artist posing with his work!

  3. Bold and beautiful! The colors are fantastic and I don't like liars and cheaters either.

  4. I love this mural, and the artist too. that he doesn't like liars and cheaters leads me to think he's encountered a few! I agree with him. he has kind eyes. thanks for sharing Francisca. happy day to you.

  5. I am sooooo drawn to street art, murals, and yes, that all so awful but appealing graffiti. I'm like a magnet for it.
    I have some great shots....I need to join your little mural group. Any rules?

  6. Dorian Susan, no, no rules at all! So join. I share your enthusiasm for murals. I am hoping that someone will post a linky one day. :-)


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