January 8, 2012

Two Bridges in Dumaguete

The sky was already dimming by the time we reached the Banica River flowing through Dumaguete just over a week ago, December 28, so the light was not ideal for photography. Nonetheless, I thought these images of two of the four bridges spanning the river were an interesting entry for Sunday Bridges.

Perhaps you've read or heard about the devastating floods caused by tropical Sendong’s (Washi) fury in the southern parts of the Philippines earlier in December. Dumaguete was one of the towns affected. The mayor has applied for funding for the construction of four new bridges across this river to replace the spillways that had overflowed and were partly damaged when the typhoon caused the river to overflow.

It amazes me how calm the scene looks now, just a couple of weeks after the storm.

Dumaguete, 2011


  1. Yes, we followed the news of the floods here in Australia, where we have our fair share of natural disasters. As you say the "after" pictures look much too calm...

  2. nice to visit and see your bridge photos today; I especially like the second photo.

  3. Wow, great pictures. I love it!

  4. I imagine these repairs and the building of new bridges will be very expensive. But also very necessary after such a disaster.

  5. Happy Sunday Francisca. Waterways are always beautiful after the flood, because it is clean and looking fresh again. How nice if all waterways can be maintained just like after a flood.

  6. life must go on. i hope the new bridges would be constructed soon, before another big typhoon arrives. i miss Dumaguete...i love the laid back lifestyle there.

  7. Your second shot is awesome....it is a gal keeper. Very unusual composition;. You are right about the bruges in my post. We were on the Key Highway and my d-in-law was driving. Those bridges came likkity split one after the other. I am just lucky they all cam out. genie

  8. A very good framing at the second photo. The third one shows the entire panorama, which is great. We too witnessed Bangkok after flood, last December.

  9. I like the one with the mountains in the background.

  10. I haven't been to Dumaguete and many says it's beautiful out there. I like the 3rd photo best. And I notice the bridge on the first photo is higher. I guess to avoid the flood water. Thanks for the visit and happy Sunday!

    Sunday Bridges

  11. Bonjour dear Francisca,
    Dumaguete looks to be a nice and calm place, the vegetation is beautiful there and the bridges have an interesting structure.My favorite composition is your second shot!
    Have a nice week ahead,

  12. Have a nice weekend Francisca!
    Greetings from Argentina

  13. thanks for joining {in the picture}! you can join in when it works for you. see you soon!

  14. I work with three women from the Phillippines and they were so grateful their families were safe. Hope they get the new bridges soon. And thatnks for sharing such awesome scenery again:)

  15. Yes, the storm was horrible. I'm surprised to see how normal the area looks now.

  16. Completely amazing to me too. I just wish people's lives could settle just as quickly after calamities. Still so much work to be done!

  17. The calm view gives an illusion that everything is back to normal, but many times it's not. I hope the city gets the funding that is needed.

  18. Amazing that there is no visible flood damage.

  19. «Louis» particularly likes the second image.

    Belatedly, «Louis» thanks you for this fine contribution to Sunday Bridges.

  20. Yes, it looks, maybe deceptively, tranquil. Nice series!


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