August 25, 2011

S is for School

When times are tough, the first things we go without are those we deem non-basics or luxuries. This goes for government budgets, too. Yet I find it incomprehensible and sad that we consider art and cultural programs, including art and music education for our youth in schools, among the dispensable, especially while the war machines are kept humming at full tilt. This value system does not speak well of us as civilized humans.

I am guessing that this once-handsome music school in Bucharest too had its funding slashed.

 Bucharest, 2011

The signs posted in front of the school show there is still a lively interest in a range of music in the city.

Posting for S at Alphabe-Thursday and Signs, Signs.


  1. Don't even GET me started on governments who take money from the arts and from the schools and give it to big business corporations.
    Interesting photos, Francisca.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Libraries and school music programs seem to be the latest targets of cuts here - so sad for future generations.

  3. I agree and will come back and read this post more thoroughly -- just checking signs signs one more time before I fall into bed! See it is finally up, hope you and I and the other two aren't the only ones who were patient enuf to wait for it. The auto poster isn't as good as Lesley is!

  4. Let's hope that the school was merely moved.

    I hear that's a problem in the USA too?

  5. These problems are becoming universal now it seems... :(

    Look forward to *seeing* you again next time,



  6. That sure is one handsome lookin' school. Love the architecture.

  7. Roxette, they have some interesting and good songs. Francisca, you really don't expect the politicians to place some of the burden on themselves, do you?

  8. I have to say that perhaps Melbourne in Australia goes against this trend! The arts are "alive and well" as galleries, school programmes and public events!

  9. I love the architecture of that school.

    Cuts in music, art, sports....all the things that make a student well-rounded.....have been plaguing US schools for years. It's shameful.

  10. Sad to say, but it seems to be everywhere the same.

  11. I imagine there's quite a bit of slashing going on all over the world. It's happening even here in Canada, which currently is one of the economies doing the best.

  12. We have the same problem. In my community, the schools raise money from the parents (aside from the money they get from the government) to keep our art/music programs going. Parents also volunteer as art docents, etc.


  13. Everybody is cost cutting. This school is huge and pretty. Hope it will not close. ^_^

  14. Another beautiful abandoned building. Do you not think that as central arts funding gets cut, people find new ways of being creative and developing and sharing their talent. Not an excuse for the cuts but I don't feel we need to despair. Everything tells me that arts as a whole are on the up.

  15. It is devastating when everything is reduced to dollars and cents. so much is lost.

  16. You are arounding the world. Every week I find you somewhere else :)

  17. at least, there's a school standing here. heard about our ghost schools, ghost bridges and ghost teachers?:p
    this building has a lot of character---makes me think of a mental asylum i've seen in the movies.:p

  18. Don't get me started! It is one of my soap boxes, and I could rage for hours! No art? No music? It is disgusting.

  19. The values of our government ceased to amaze me years ago! What really saddens me is the closure of so many libraries!

  20. We have a mayor and his brother, a councillor, who would "close a library in a minute" which has caused a great amount of debate and hand-wringing here. It seems to be the same the world over!

  21. oh dear, why is that politicians don't see the world as we regular folk do?

  22. You're right about budget cut! Our school is on its tippy-toe of loosing the art and music departments.

  23. So sad. A lot of our schools are closing down, too. Although this is from the lack of children rather than funds. Very worrisome just the same.

  24. What beautiful architecture.

    What a sad, but true, commentary of our times.

    Beauty and grace are something that should be available for all children to experience.

    Thanks for this thoughtful link.



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