September 2, 2011

Puddle Reflection I

Manila, 2011

An old government building reflected in a puddle.

This is a James shot - surely understood by those who follow his meme... Enlarge it to appreciate fully.


  1. What a great reflection. Amazing how much can be seen in a puddle.

  2. Wow, what a neat reflection... I almost didn't catch it is a puddle, in fact...

  3. Oh yes, most definitely a James shot, Francisca. I'm sure you thought that when you saw the puddle.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Brilliant, I thought I was looking at the building, not a reflection at first.

  5. Very good and nice black and white photo.


  6. Not just a great photo and refelction, but an amazing old building as well. I enlarged it and was happy I did...

  7. Really excellent reflection. Perfect!

  8. This is truly amazing! What a pictures. I just tweeted it.

  9. What a fantastic capture, Francisca! Amazing how much you can see in a "puddle"! I love it! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!


  10. Lovely - I like the way the decorative roofline is crisp and the bottom blurs into graininess.

  11. Nice reflection Francisca. Congratulations -- your B&W image from last week was destined for the wall and it's there!

  12. It's my kind of photo Francisca:)
    I love puddle reflections! I love puddles actually:)
    Have a nice weekend:)

  13. the edges of the puddle are like a frame!

  14. VERY nice. love it. and exotic too. I think this is most likely the best puddle reflection I've ever seen. I've been out of town and now I'm tardy with my visits, but I'm catching up. happy weekend to you Francisca.

  15. This is an amazing reflection! It took me a while to realize that it was a reflection. Great shot!

  16. Wow, you got so much just from a puddle? A big puddle...?

    Happy weekend, Evelyn

  17. Had to enlarge it if this is the reflection or the original, sometimes I couldn't tell which is which they both are great!
    Weekend Reflection

  18. What a terrific shot--you have to "look" at it carefully to be sure you know what you are really seeing. Great photo. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

  19. Oh, yeah! The texture of the street looks like rain.

  20. I had to look twice to find the puddle! Clear, crisp reflection!!

  21. what are those round cycles at the eaves of the building.

  22. It's so perfectly clear, you'd never know you were looking at a reflection.

  23. I didn't even realize it was a reflection until I read your post! It's so clear...and I love the design on the building wall :D

  24. How in the world did you luck out on this one of a kind is really did hit the jackpot this time. Your capture of the image is superb. Have been out of commission for a bit. Tore cartilage in my knee and have not been able to hold the laptop in my lap because of the pressure and sitting at the computer table was use out of the question. It seems to be a bit better now so am trying to get back and running online. Buddy did make it safely back from the Canadian border just in time to take care of me. genie

  25. I didn't immediatly realize it was a reflection. Fantastic!

  26. Awesome shot. Yes, it is indeed James style. To get a reflection like this in a puddle is unbelievable.


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