August 7, 2011

Yellow, White and Red Flowers Nearby

Here are three flowers species I managed to capture on-the-run over the hectic period of our move to our new home.

This Kampanilya or Yellow Bell (Allamanda cathartica Linn) adorned the gate of our old house. 

These Kalachuchi flowers, aka Temple Flower or Frangipani (Plumeria acuminata), grow on a magnificent tree in front of our new neighbor's house. 

And finally a macro of a flower in a Flame Tree (Delonix regia) outside the court we played tennis last week. To see an entire tree in bloom, see my earlier post here

 Manila, 2011

Check out the stunning flowers at Today's Flower and fabulous macros at Macro Monday. I'm also linking with the blogging communities at Mellow Yellow Monday and Ruby Tuesday.


  1. Lovely flowers! I especially like the last one with the brilliant colors!

  2. terrific shots! i love the fire flame tree--they're vibrant and beautiful. but be careful, there are itchy worms on fire flame trees. i hope you have settled in your new home.

  3. All are lovely, but yellow are special with the drops of rain on:)

  4. The frangipani flowers look so beautiful, almost unreal.

  5. I think, you follow me and will always get the newest information on your dashboard. :) So I will like to see you on Friday for WEF! Have a great week! LG Tina

  6. I remember the scent of the frangipani from my trips to Hawaii, incredible perfume. Your bottom flower is something I have never seen before, so exotic looking. Your first flower is also very beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with Today's Flowers Francisca, and have a great week.

  7. They are all pretty with the last one bordering on stunning!

  8. All so beautiful. The water drops on the first shot makes this my favorite. In nature I love Frangipani, for me a sign of the tropics.

  9. These are lovely Francisca. The first is my favorite.

    Thanks for your visit. The time consuming aspect of making a photo book is choosing and preparing the images. I finished three books and ordered them last night. The grand total including shipping and tax was a mere $39.50 for all three. Now I must wait patiently while Adoramapix processes and mails my order. Hope they do a nice job.

  10. Lovely flowers to remind me of the land of my birth.

    We are lucky, Auckland is not that cold, and we have different seasonal flowers. The Cherry trees haven't bloom yet.

  11. Beautiful macro shots of the flowers.

  12. The color in that last photo is fabulous!

  13. I was thinking about our discussion about living dangerously and risk taking,

    I thinking, for the former, there is a high percentage of some thing will go wrong, as for risk, may be something will go wrong.

    As for Mr, Senior, I don't know why the propeller fell off.

    It is the people he left behind who are suffering, his widow and two young kids, aged 10 9.

    My husband knows him personally.

  14. Today, we have an accident which shouldn't happen. An aeroplane engineer was sucked into the engine of a plane and was killed. In a small country like New Zealand, this death is big news.

  15. So many beautiful flowers! The second photo grabs my attention since I don't see that flower around here.

  16. Such gorgeous flowers. Frangipani are one of my favorite blooms.

  17. The first two flowers are very familiar to me and they are gorgeous the Kalachuchi smells good too. The last one can't place it in my mind where I see this one. Great shots Francisca. ^_^


    Macro Monday

  18. These are beautiful.

    Hope you'd find time to visit me here.

  19. Such gorgeous blossoms, Francisca! I especially like the Frangipani!

  20. Those are gorgeous!

    Hope you can visit my mellow yellow, thanks!

  21. There is such a elegance in each of these.

  22. Your shots this week are so amazingly clear and crisp..great captures. The yellow is gorgeous. Your pictures always give me great delight. Genie

  23. Oh, that flame tree flower is a sassy one, isn't it?


    Come in, my dear friends, and be seated, please—
    Oh, all of you reds are such a big tease!
    Scarlet, you creep over cheeks in a blush;
    Crimson, you’re always in such a big rush!
    Cherry, you’re tasty and pleasant to see;
    Carmine, you utterly satisfy me!
    So come in, my friends, and be seated, please—
    Of all the colors, I’d rather have these!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Little Red Shopping Bag

  24. Although they are all beautiful, I always lean towards Plumeria. It is by far, my favorite smell on earth (well, that and frying bacon). When I smell plumeria, I am immediately transported to a tropical place. We have two plants growing here, but they don't do as well...

  25. The Flame Tree is amazing but the Frangipani is still a favourite of mine. I brought two stems from Myanmar, one died and the other has already bloomed but it doesn't look very healthy lately...


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