July 28, 2011

O is for Outhouse

Should you have visited my blog before, you know I do more than a modicum of travel. And my treks occasionally take me to what is ostensibly the outer limits of our orb where the comforts of home are sparse.

For Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday, the letter of the week is O, and I want to offer you an outhouse in the most out-of-the-way location I have even been: the far western province of Hovd in Mongolia.

First let me show you our whereabouts on this occasion.

Hovd, Mongolia, 2007

On to the prettiest privy I've ever observed.

And to add a little more humor to this story, I offer this STOP sign in the middle of this no man's land right by this outstanding outhouse for Lesley's Signs, Signs.

I was told that the officials of the provincial government had the onerous objective of making this a tourist destination. It didn't quite work out that way. Or at least not yet.


  1. I'm amazed by the fascinating places that you visited. A lot of them I'll never see in person for one reason or another but I really enjoy seeing pictures and learning.

    I have to admit that changing my URL was a spur of the moment decision. I should have given it more thought. Thank you very much for the help and suggestions. I'm going to do my best to make sure everyone gets the new link. Oh and thanks for reminding me about my profile link!

  2. I'm sure now that they have wc facilities people just might go out of their way to visit! Thank you for this good laugh (now, if you'll excuse me)

  3. Omigod! You are something else! I don't think I'd go tripping in that area for anything. My idea of roughing it is a Hilton without a breakfast bar!

    Ah...re your comment about getting old and rusty: How did you know? :-)

  4. Well, at least the PATH leading up the the hole in the ground looks nice! Ha ha! I got a kick out of the stop sign in the middle of nowhere. I don't foresee a traffic jam happening!

  5. Hmmmm. Without you I would not know about this, Francisca. :))

  6. WOW. Mongolia.
    Fantastic shots. The loo, the sign, the rough vastness.

    I have not been to Mongolia, but would like to go one day. Kind of places I realy like.
    Reminds me a bit of the Xinjian region in China.

  7. Too wonderful. So the stop sign is to make people stop, look around, and discover the privy? Fabulous, Francisca. Gotta love it.

    —Kay, Alberta, Canada

  8. the question is did you stop and use the facilities?

    your travels are what dreams are made of.

  9. Francisca, this is something I would expect to see in National Geographic. You do work for them, don't you?

  10. i think I'll pass on this one but I guess in a pinch it would be a welcome sight!

  11. The stop sign in the middle of nowhere is a hoot!

  12. oh, what would a day be without seeing the beautiful smile of your profile photo? just sayin'. and you crack me up with these photos. how that "privy" was discovered is wild. and why it is where it is. I love the color of that lid. (!) glad you shared this with us today. it most certainly put a smile on my face. you are wild and I LOVE it. have a great day Francisca.

  13. Wow that's the coolest outhouse I've seen in the middle of no where. I see a red post with a sign what was written on it?


  14. O how incredibly remote and fascinating! The stop sign almost looks as if it has slipped down the hillside a little!

  15. This is a great post and photos! So interesting and unique. What a view while using the facilities!

  16. Our old farmhouse had an outhouse until the late 50’s, and here in ROckbridge County there are LOTS of them us use still. Love this one...but that road looks like a doozy getting you to it. Are there any places in this world you have not ben to? You amaze me. Genie

  17. Francisca, more envy from this end! I've long dreamed of going to Mongolia and Bhutan, even to the Stan countries, but it is very expensive. I am amazed that even the small flower didn't pass your creative eye! These photos should be for the NG or Discovery magazines. I love not only your experiences but mostly your photos and your humor! hahaha!

  18. I was going to write, "I love where you go"...but considering the photo is of an outhouse, I better change my comment to "I love the places you see!' So funny. Love the sign too!

  19. I've used outhouses in some strange places, but that picture takes the cake!

  20. Fabulous! Definitely out back!

  21. I like that sign in the middle of nowhere! I remember Mongolia from watching "The long way round" movie, it was spectacular.

  22. Oh, out of bitten tracks indeed! Terrific photos! I've always wanted to visit this country, but for years it was impossible to go there from my country. Maybe one day!
    As for the weather in Romania,it was really strange, but most of the time it was grey, cold and wet which means I'll have to revisit the country soon:)

  23. Well... it's all natural! :-) Oh what a place!!!

  24. Just curious how YOU ended up there! haha. It may not be a tourist destination yet but your photos make me want to visit that spot. The vast mountains in your first photo is a view to behold!

    [PS: I was thinking the same thing about our procession posts from yesterday! :D]

  25. I have heard that there are parts of the states that you can go for miles without a rest stop.

    It looks like that wanted to make sure everyone would have a place to stop!

  26. My friend's cabin is equipped with an outhouse and no indoor plumbing. It's part of it's charm!

    I love this peek at a place that I will most certainly never see for myself!!

  27. Not only did they build an outhouse (more like windbreak) in the middle of nowhere, but they painted the boards aqua! Gotta love it. You bet I'd use it if I had to. Although I'd be worried about splinters.

  28. that's hilarious...a sign near the outdoor privy!

  29. I love your quirky sense of humor for finding this -- and I wonder if it was a quirky sense of humor that caused someone to put the stop sign there?

    I like the "Outlook" from the outhouse! And the blue paint (which I assume was leftover from another project.)

  30. I can't say 'holes in the ground' are my cup of tea, but I've met quite a few! LOL!

  31. Well, I think it is very nice that the government has provided an outhouse for needy travelers, but it doesn't look like it would be enough to attract them!

    Funny post!

  32. Aah..in my youth, I had to used Outhouse all the time, and never wanted to go back living that way..I wish there was a sign like that back then :-)

  33. What a creative link to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "O".

    This is definitely the most scenic outhouse I've ever seen. In my teenage years we lived with my Grandmother (in the 1970's) and she had no bathroom. I used to hate her double seater outhouse...especially in the winter!

    I really enjoyed visiting here today.

    Thank you!


  34. The mountains look amazing, but this is definitely out in the midst of nowhere.

    Now to the other part, my wife's late grandmother lived in a house with no electricity, no running water & no toilet. She had an outhouse too, but I think this one is definitely more rustic!

    This post definitely had me laughing.

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