July 30, 2011

How Much for This Trinket?

My honey and I have spent the better part of the last few weeks packing and moving house. And while neither of us are much into shopping, it shocks me how many knickknacks and doodads we've still managed to accumulate over the years. We could set up our own flea market, I kid you not.

This is a photo of a woman in a mirror I took a few months ago at a flea market in Bucharest. For Weekend Reflections and Weekend in Black and White.

Bucharest, 2011

Tonight will be our first sleep in our new home.


  1. Wonderful capture, Francisca! Between the B&W and her hat, it could be a pic from the 40s! Superb! Enjoy your weekend!


  2. How exciting. Enjoy your new home!

    Love this photo.

  3. I like this shot very much. I could definitely start my own flea market out of all the trinkets in my house.

  4. Well flea market are obviously great place to catch nice reflections... Good job, Francisca !

  5. This a fine shot. Have a great time in your new home!

  6. Great, great shot! I am not into shopping too but when you travel it's almost impossible ignoring every single piece you see and not falling in love with some... :-)

  7. I like the elegance of the lady, which gives smartness to the whole pic!

  8. What a perfect reflection! I had to look twice to see it. It has such wonderful clarity that it doesn't look like a reflection on first glance. :)
    Well done!

  9. This is my kind of photo....I adore this shot. I am excited for you in your move...you will have to post a photo when you all get settled. Take care....Genie

  10. Sleep well and enjoy your new place.

  11. an exquisite shot!
    looks like a cover for Life magazine
    absolutely beautiful

    congrats on your new home

  12. Hope you have a happy and secure sleep. It's quite horrifying how much junk even a non-hoarder manages to accumulate. Best tip I heard recently was to decide how much space you wanted your - let's say books - to take up and then when you had filled that space never acquire another book without getting rid of one.

  13. You are one busy woman!!
    This is perfect for B&W and I love that she has gotten dressed up so nicely.

  14. A great shot - I love the difference levels of distances from the camera... something that I am trying to achieve in my drawings..
    Did you have a good sleep in your new home?

  15. I love the subtlety of this "shopper". A fantastic catch in the mirror.
    Moving is sure a wretch, no matter how near or far, it's such a huge chore. I hope your first sleep in the new home is a sound one. Sweet dreams.

  16. I love how you captured her in the midst of whatever she was doing. this is a great shot. wishing you a joyful weekend.

  17. Sallie (FullTime-Life)July 30, 2011 at 8:19 AM

    Happy housewarming! I hear you on how "stuff" accumulates. We live in tiny places and try to avoid shopping for non-necessities, but still.....

    The reflection(which I assume is of a shopper) is excellent!

  18. I hope you're both very happy in your new home.
    Your photo is perfect.

    —Kay, Alberta, Canada

  19. Wonderful picture! The wooden bowl in the foreground reminds me of a bowl that's used to make Kava kava in Fiji.

    It seems like the older I get the less stuff I have. With each move more gets shed. :)

  20. Lovely. And congratulations on your new home! New location too or just new house?

  21. That's a clever photograph and very appealing.
    Happy New Home:-)

  22. The first time we moved house, we hired a self-drive van for an hour. Twenty years later it was an enormous removal truck and four men. Stuff just expands to fill available space!

  23. It would take us months of starting to get ready to pack before a move! Much luck in your move!

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog!

  24. heheheh, wait till I get to my antique shop, I will sell it 100% profit.

  25. Excellent black and white photography.


  26. Fantastic atmosphere and great reflection. Your photography is so varied. Every time I come here I find something interesting.

  27. Perhaps you should consider a "flea market." We did a garage sale when we moved out of our house in Ocala and made $1100 in one day!

    The problem is, I ended up "giving" a lot of stuff away. Still, I don't remember what it was and don't miss it!

  28. I like it. The eye goes right to the woman in the mirror. All the fun shapes are the supporting cast. Well done.

  29. I wish you the best in your new home, more success, more happiness, more wealth, and more travels. hahaha!

  30. How fun to be in a new house! We have more things than I probably care to admit to too. We are not shoppers either, but over time it adds up, doesn't it?

  31. I have a love and hate relationship with moving. So much fun but such a drag to have to organize and throw things out. But I hope you have settled down in your new home! Love this reflection, and the mirror is just lovely.


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