June 12, 2011

Crossing a Canal

On foot or by subway... crossing a canal in Vienna.

 Vienna, 2011


  1. Those steps look a little precarious!

  2. Is this a double deck with foot above and subway below? I think it's bigger than it looks.

  3. I'm a bit worried by the steps too, but lovely view!

  4. Lovely perspective, Francisca.

  5. Beautiful photo, my friend. Now I want to see Vienna.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. When I enlarged it, I understood the reference to foot or subway! Clever bridge. I'd rather walk!

  7. The stairs do look a bit steep so I hope they are safe. :) Looks like there's a bit of construction going on behind the buildings.

  8. What a charming place. Can't help but notice the cranes at the back. New buildings coming up? Hope this place doesn't change too much too quickly.

  9. Very nice photo! I wish there city scapes in any of the cities around here.


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