June 25, 2011

Colorful Bridge to Colorless Village

 Romania, 2011

On the road north from Bucharest going to Moldova a few months ago, I drive-by shot this colorful blue-yellow-red bridge leading to an otherwise rather bleak looking village. Hopefully the place looks cheerier now with summer blooms and greenery. 


  1. Someone was feeling cheerful when they painted this bridge. :)

  2. Hi Francisca, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I had already read elsewhere that you were part Dutch. That triggered my interest in you. I sure was rewarded by your fine photographs. They do have a very special quality. I do love the way you depict skies especially. It must be the Old Master in you. You do see things in a very special way. Are you a professional photographer? Doei!

  3. Yes, that village needs some colour!

  4. A technicolor bridge! What a great find!

  5. Well, the gray village really does make the color on the bridge pop out -- makes a good photo contrast, but for the villagers sake, I too hope they now have more color .

  6. so when I feel down, you will take me for a ride to the bridge?

  7. At least there was some colour around, even if it was just the guard rails of the bridge.

  8. that's a nice bright feature in the landscape!

  9. @Ciel... right you are, the Romanian flag has three stripes: blue-yellow-red... just like this bridge. Creative, huh?

  10. It does look a bit dreary in this shot.

  11. At least when the world is grey, white, and black, the villagers can walk or ride along the bridge...

    Thanks for the visit...and, since you asked, I think I prefer "Dimple." I don't correct those who call me Louise, however!

  12. my favorite part of the first photo, besides the bridge, is the long, narrow, and winding road that takes me into the distance, past the colorless village. I love that the road had two visible tracks and lifts into the faraway. great shots Francisca. poetic shots and I love them. I hope you have a fun week ahead.

  13. As Kate wrote, a Technicolor bridge - and a welcome contribution to Sunday Bridges.


  14. I like this colorful bridge! It made me smile!

  15. Amazing how the bridge is just about the only color. I'm glad the color came from somewhere. :)

  16. Glad they gave some colour to the people living there.


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