May 14, 2011

Pi as Public Art

Vienna, 2011

This is a permanent media installation in an underground passageway under Karlsplatz in Vienna. The artist is Canadian Ken Lum. If you'd like to read more about this artist or his public art click here.

This photo is my contribution to Weekend Reflections, Weekend in Black + White and Walk in the Street. Enlarge it for a better view.


  1. This is a cool shot on many levels. I really really like it. Very nicely done!

  2. I share James' sentiments. The solitary figure glues this image together nicely.

  3. this is so cool! I've been a fan of Ken Lum for many years.

  4. A great photo, Francisca.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. An excellent shot, but I don't know if I would want to be down there alone.

  6. Terrific capture, Francisca! Love the solitary figure! Superb! Hope you have a great weekend!


  7. Nice one in bw. That person inspecting the work is a nice inclusion. Happy Weekend, Ev

  8. great photo. the skatrboy is a nice touch!

  9. I'm fond of subway shots. Cool subject.

  10. I like this very much. My kids always celebrated Pi day in math class on March 14th. (3.14) , with real pie the kids brought to school to share. I remember things better with food too. (-:

  11. Super photo, Francisca!
    Have a nice weekend:)

  12. Great idea for the reflection constest ! This mirror catching the infinite number of the curve is a good piece of art, indeed !

  13. Very, very nice. The fact that it's a reflection adds even more interest.

  14. I really like this kind of underground art. It brightens life down there.

  15. It is usually around this time of year that the students celebrate pi day by paying $ towards our annual fight to the Cancer Fund and throw whipped cream pies at teachers and the principal. Love this “pi” in the underground. You composed this one beautifully ending up with a fine capture in b/w.

  16. beau b&w, et j'aime la transparence avec le chiffre Pi

    Merci d'avoir participer au challenge "Walk In The Street Photography"

  17. Apparently when our government tried the "loose" education system a couple years back, the textbooks stated that pi=3 not 3.14! Isn't that ridiculous?

    Anyways, I love your black and white photo!

  18. I'm not familiar with Pi day, so what does that tell you? I know what Pi is, but I've never heard of celebrating it as Pi day. I love this shot, in many many ways. it's fabulous.

  19. Ah, so you got over to Vienna? It's a great city to shoot pics almost anywhere!

  20. It looks as though your photo is taken looking into a mirror, but pi is the right way round. I'm confused. Is the original reversed or am I being really thick?

  21. To answer my own question, the latter. Pi is on the mirror, in front of the reflection. Got there in the end :)

  22. Great underground street scene, perfect in bw. I'm still trying to shoot something like that.

  23. Beautifully made picture -- I have to admit I've never heard of Pi Day and, in fact, barely just barely, recognize what Pi means.

  24. Really good shot, and thanks to H for explaining the apparent contradiction of reflection and unreflected lettering!

    I hope I remember about Pi day next March!

  25. Thanks for your lovely comment. Your picture is also very special. Greetings from Germany

  26. It's not very colorful! Heh, heh. Pi is confusing to me. And my math teacher got really mad when I asked for a piece of cherry pie. :-)

    Seriously, I do like the way you composed this...the perspective is excellent...with the intersecting lines!

  27. Until you see that it's on marble, it looks like paper in a construction zone. I think I prefer the latter as a random aestheic surprise.

  28. Great use of the Pi! Very cool!

  29. @tapirgal... the pi is on mirror and the white marble wall you see here is a refection of the other side of the passageway. :-)


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