February 28, 2011

Winter Macros

While some of my fellow bloggers in cold climes are posting bright spring photos to banish the dreariness of gray winter, I was moved to find in my archives these macros I took on my walks on the Sunshine Coast of BC last winter. The shapes, textures and colors of this eclectic group of winter foliage appeal to me. As usual, details can better be seen when enlarged.

Sunshine Coast, BC, 2010

I'm joining the good folks posting for Macro Monday and Mosaic Monday.


  1. You've beautifully captured familiar sights, turning them into works of art to study closely. I live on Vancouver Island and love these ferns, mosses and forest plants.

  2. Your mosaics of the winter foliage are exceptional. Beautiful colours from Beautiful BC!

  3. Beautiful scenes collage.
    Happy new week.

  4. Ah yes, lovely. Each season has its pleasures I say, even winter that so many people seem to hate.

  5. Some of these plants are quite familiar. The detail in your photos is beautiful.

  6. Sp very lovely! Well done! Happy day to you! Cathy

  7. Beautiful! Love the color and texture.

  8. Nicely done, Francisca. I've not been in that area but I've heard it is beautiful...as your photos show in a very dramatic way.

  9. Lovely mosaics. Interesting plants too.

  10. I LOVE them all...great mosaics, Francisca!

  11. Oh, they're all wonderful, Francisca. Much prettier than the dregs of winter here in Alberta. LOL
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  12. How beautiful to see things blooming and teeming with life!

  13. Such beautiful soft textures and colors in these photos...great mosaics!!!
    Have a beautiful week!!!

  14. These are lovely mosaics.
    Some of the plants are familiar to me, and some not, but all are lovely, and they fit wonderfully well together!

  15. Lovely mosaics. Glad to see that you are out and about with your camera in hand. V

  16. An amazing collection of macros!

  17. These are beautifully composed macros...they almost make me like winter! Have a safe trip to Europe...I'm looking forward to more pictures when you return.

  18. Great work, Francisca, both mosaics are beautiful! Can't decide which I like the most.

  19. Missed this last week somehow. Great mosaics and (not surprisingly) reminds me of our Oregon "home."

  20. Beautiful mosaics! A wonderful collections of beautiful flower shots!


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