November 26, 2010

Red, White, Blue and Checkers

And a reflection for James at Weekend Reflections.

Manila, 2010

My natural inclination is to post photos with a story; either the photo itself contains the story or the photo illustrates a story. Today's photo really has no story except that I may have lost my tennis match this morning because I kept looking at this colorful van... and thinking there is a reflection photo here... and sure enough, there was. 

I woke the driver snoozing inside and he looked at me like a was a bit odd. So, does that make me certifiably meme crazy? :-D


  1. I love it!! I think a lot of people here in our neighborhood think I'm just a tad crazy when they see me running around looking as though I'm taking photos of nothing of any importance! I love your shot for the day! Terrific reflection! Have a wonderful weekend, Francisca!


  2. Well...I see you on many memes, so I think the answer is "yes!" But, isn't it fun...shooting with a purpose? Very clever perspective on this colorful reflection...

  3. I'm getting to be meme crazy, too, Francisca. My husband says it's like I have a job with no pay. I sure laughed at you waking up the guy in the van. :) Too funny!
    Super reflection shot, however.
    Also laughed at the comments here...Sylvia says takig photos of nothing of any importance; and Carolyn says shooting with a purpose. And, yes, they're both right!
    My neighbors must think I'm nuts, running out the front door and taking pictures of the sky. Weekend Reflections is wonderful, but I haven't got time for another meme. LOL
    Luv, K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Ihan kiva auto, pirrssi niinkuin täällä Suomess on aikoinaan sanottu, mutta ei ole pompannappia voittanutta.



  5. No you are certainly not crazy... You are just attracted to the unsual things, willing to share it with other, which is precisely the aim of taking pictures... I have sometimes this odd look on me too, when it is not people running to me to forbid me taking the picture I have in mind, just because they pretend they have rights on the pictures I'm taking, since the object is their, and so long...

    I find your actual participation to our little contest very pretty, and I'm glad you didn't cave when the driver looked at you that way... Like that, we are able to enjoy it too !

  6. To get the great shots you sometimes have to make some crazy moves... This one is great!

    Continue to wake up drivers, chase animals across a parking lot, crawl on your knees... whatever it takes!

    Have a great weekend,

  7. This is a great photo! And you can be sure there are many of us who get curious looks because of our interest in things others give no thought to...their loss I say...LOL!

  8. Fancy seeing a Union Jack on a van in Manila!

  9. if you are crazy, you are in good company!

  10. Join the crazy crowd! :) That is one crazy looking van.

  11. A very nice shot!
    And I'm crazy too! Never mind and let's have fun;o)
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Have a beautiful weekend****

  12. you are not crazy! These types of finds are the reasons we ALWAYS carry a camera...
    good one!

  13. I like this picture very much, as Gattina said it's very creative!

  14. So, ther is a story behind:)
    Love this car and Union Jack in this particular place!
    Have a great weekend Crazy Francisca:):):)

  15. Great reflelction! I've had lots of funnhy looks and several people even make comments when they see me shooting pictures of the sky for Skywatch.


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