November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

Manila, 2010

To my American friends, Happy Thanksgiving!
May you have much to be thankful for, today and every day.

To friends of all stripes and colors everywhere, Thank You! for being in my life.

I link this with Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday, where Thanksgiving is the theme of the day.


  1. Thanks so much! It's all about the gravy!

  2. I second that! In my family, I am known as the gravy queen. I have a secret ingredient, but they don't know it!!

    Thanks for a sweet post!

  3. I am without turkey too, no celebration in Belgium ! we have to wait until Christmas, lol !

  4. I agree, Francisca. I wish all my American friends a happy thanksgiving, too, and peace to all Americans everywhere.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. Believe it or not - I did use the same Wilder quote for my Thanksgiving post today ;) we do think alike :)

    Lovely wishes.

    Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving day.

  6. Hieno postikortti. Näin blogien katselulla on kiva tutustua muiden maiden kulttuuriin ja ihmisiin. Tule sinäkin katsomaan Teuvon kuvat blogi ja kerro myös kaikille sinun kavereille miksi kannattaa käydä katsomassa Teuvon kuvat blogi. Samalla saadaan nostetuua teidän maanne lippu korkeammalle minun blogissa. Talviterveisin Teuvo vehkalahti FINLAND

  7. wow i loved the quotes you used ... both very beautiful!

  8. It all starts with a thankful heart - for sure!

  9. I really loved this. It seems sometimes like the "global community" doesn't have a great deal of love for us Americans. It's nice to feel some love from overseas~LOL

  10. What a warm and gracious link to Alphabe-Thursday's Thankful!

    You made me smile.

    I appreciate your sentiments very much.



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