November 3, 2010

P is for Pinnacles

I have not seen the movie Avatar, and hence neither have I seen its scene with Hallelujah Mountain. I've been told it's phenomenal.

But I think I've done one better... I've seen the real thing: Heaven and Earth Pillar.

A few months ago business took me on a plane to Zhangjiajie and our host proposed we take a morning to promenade through part of Wulingyuan National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage listed natural heritage site. It was peacefully snowing and it felt a tad nippy for my tropically acclimated blood, so I borrowed a winter parka and off we went. Being low season, the tourist traffic was very light, and that, you must take my word, was to our profit.

The park consists of a ravine of precipitous karst pinnacles that are splintering away from a high limestone plateau. Many of these pinnacles are as tall as 1200 meters / 4000 feet.

Here is some of what I saw; the photos enlarge if you click on them.

Zhangjiajie, 2010

The seventh and tenth photos show the Heaven and Earth Pillar. The poster in the eighth photo shows it with Hallelujah Mountain.

And this is my post for ABC Wednesday, where of course many other pleasant P stories await you.


  1. Oh, that is awesome, Francisca! And your photos are superb as always! I would love to be able to see that! But your photos are the next best thing!! Marvelous post for the P Day! Have a great week!


  2. Lovely Photos, just gorgeous. Seen through your eyes.

  3. Very, very beautiful... Great "P" post!

  4. Utterly fantastic, Francisca. I love the Heaven and Earth pillars, and am amazed that trees can grow on these pinnacles of rock.
    Best P post I've seen so far, my friend.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. This is amazing. Just amazing. WOW!! Reminds me a lot of the landscape in Chinese paintings.

  6. Extraordinary. This is a sight I'd love to see in person. And snow would make it even better - I'm used to 6 months of snow each year in my climate!

  7. Amazing pillars and pinnicles. Your business takes you to the most fascinating places. Perfect P post.

  8. Such a positively perfect set of pics.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  9. You have captured the spirit of these pillars.

    ABC Wednesday Team

  10. This place is breathtaking, you are right about Avatar, looks some movie scenery!Fantastic post and magnificent energy in this place, these pillars are PERFECT!

  11. I am soooo jealous of how much of the world you have seen in person!

    I had to Google Zhangjiajie to find out exactly where it is. :)

  12. I haven't seen the movie either. But very cool that you got to see the real thing! Unbelievable view :-D

  13. Wow, I would love to visit this someday! Impressive!

  14. Is this on planet Earth? It looks like something on an alien world... called P, of course!

  15. Incredible wild beauty! Can't get enough of looking at these, especially enlarged!

    My ABC Wednesday

  16. I haven't seen the movie, either but I doubt it would compare favorably to your exquisite photography!

  17. where is your pinacles? There are some in Sarawak and in Australia.

  18. Wow wow and wow!
    What an amazing place....
    I enlarged the photos also, amazing!

  19. Huge splinters and absolutely awesome!

  20. I would love to be there! What a place!

  21. beautiful! I really like the misty scenes...something we don't get here very often.

  22. Now that I've seen the movie, I wonder if they got the idea of the whole setting and swooping flying creatures from this location. It is amazing!


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