November 4, 2010

G is for Goat

In the far, far west of Mongolia, in the great province of Hovd I've introduced before, we were driving through godforsaken yet glorious landscape when we came upon this family with their ger (aka yurt) tending their goats.


 Hovd, 2007

Besides watching the males sit idly by while the females worked, I found it amusing to see the goats all tied up. Yet after the milking was done, one small tug on the rope released them all and they galloped into the barren rocky field that had not a blade of greenery.
These goats are good not only for the nutritious milk they produce - and from which butter and cheese are made - or for the gratifying grub they one day become, but also for the grand cashmere wool shorn from their necks that is knitted into glamorous sweaters and shawls.

And this is posted for Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday, where others are joining in the G fun.


  1. Fantastic shots. What a landcape and what a life. Fascinating.

  2. What a great photo! My oldest son has had a fascination with goats his whole life. Great ! Anne

  3. Nice G post! Women working while men watch...universal theme! LOL Beautiful photos as usual Francisca!


  4. Love informative posts! Wonder how they get them all gathered together for the next milking....

  5. These goats seem to be very well cared for, Francisca. It's fascinating that they were all tied with one rope, and one tug set them all off to their rocky pasture. I wonder what they found there to eat.
    Beautiful pictures of an amazing land and its people.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. What's with the blue-painted horns?
    I wonder how they catch the does to wrap that one rope around their neck.
    Great picture of the squatting/sitting men.

  7. Picturesque, but I am not sure to like all that goats around!

  8. Great galloping goats! This post has wonderful pictures and goat info I never knew.

  9. Perfect photos to Go with the Letter G and Goats. Such interesting information and Great travel story with a Universal theme...womans work is never done!

  10. Your pictures are awe worthy. I need to travel now - tomorrow!

  11. You really do get the portraits - of goats and people, too. I love that particular color of blue. It's nice to see it on their horns :) I use it often in collages.

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  13. A fascinating post Francisca, how wonderful to come across a sight such as this.

  14. Beautiful photos and very interesting information!

  15. What glorious pictures - a lifestyle and culture I know nothing about! thanks for sharing!

  16. I love this post Francisca! A great photo essay. It's amazing how much good comes from that one humble animal.

  17. Fascinating! Though it doesn't sound like an easy life either. I've never seen long-haired goats before.

  18. Fascinating post! I love your pictures. So what exactly is the men's job, other than watching the women work?

  19. I love every single shot! Wonderful post.

  20. wonderful shots ... i wonder what the men of this culture actually do .... the cooking???

  21. Amazing shots! I love the "people" shots doing what people do in this part of the world.

  22. What a hard life - a hard place to be a woman.

  23. That sounds like it was some trip!

  24. What an amazing journey you took us on with this little stop for Alphabe-Thursday.

    Your words and pictures transported me to an exotic lands filled with scents and visions and ways of life I have never experienced.

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful "G" with us.


  25. This was a very informative share...nice pictures...
    Makes me really GRATEFUL that I don't live in Mongolia...

  26. Great photos and great blog! How interesting your life is. I have lived in Texas my whole life and have no itch to wander. Maybe I just have too many ties that bind.

  27. Goodness! Your goat photos are fantastic! I love the first one with their backsides in a row ;-D

  28. How fascinating. I did have to chuckle about watching the women work while them men sat. Nice G post!


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