October 15, 2010

[SkyWatch] One view. Dozen Skies.

 Manila, 2010

All taken from an upstairs window within the last ten days for SkyWatch Friday. As usual, a larger view of a sky can be seen in a new tab by clicking on it, and many MORE STUNNING skies from around the world can be seen by clicking on the link.


  1. Fabulous!
    Your photos are always so GOOD, Francisca!

    Kay, Alberta

  2. You sure did great shooting all these & what a variety of captures

  3. These are really superb! What a terrific job you did! I love being able to see all the different skies and colors in the same place! Great idea, Francisca! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  4. That's amazing! What a great idea!

  5. What a marvellous idea. This looks like a very American water tower though.

    You know what? I'd miss my wool socks and jumpers if we didn't have winter! Really cold winter too, though they are getting rarer.

  6. Hi Francisca - it's a fabulous post for SWF:)

  7. Amazing and beautiful sky Francisca. Happy Friday!
    Sky Reflection

  8. Very creatively done, Francisca! You do have a nice view...

    By the way I did send you a bagel and lox and all that but something happened - it disappeared up near Astoria ... heh, heh.

  9. An original and very good idea: brava!

  10. the essence of mind...life, thoughts, reality always changing...beautiful.

  11. wonderful series of skywatch, francisca!

  12. Hahaha! I loved your Frost quote! I have used the same one several times.
    What an interesting life, and what wonderful photos!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Come back again and we'll have a party!!

  13. Isn't the sky amazing? The heavens really do "declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the works of His hands!"

  14. one of the reasons why i love SWF--it makes me pause and look up more. i love every mood here. have a great weekend.

  15. 10 days, you are a persistent photographer. Your hard work is paid off.

    You heard about the New York woman and her McDonald's happy meal burger. Do you believe it?

    Please go over to my other site, I really like everyone to read it. http://annkschin.blogspot.com/2010/10/blog-action-daysave-our-world-water.html

  16. Great shots - I hope you have a good chair placed by the window ;-)

  17. This is a really good idea. I have often thought that a series of photos of a familiar view in different lights would be interesting. Now I know I was right - well done you, for not just thinking but acting on it. And isn't it amazing how one sky can be so many different skies?

  18. Your photos are like one big gorgeous collage! I love how you captured the many many expressions the sky has :D

  19. Great shots! Am lo0king f0rward to seeing th0se beautiful skies again in my c0untry s0on... weekend getaway @ kenting

  20. I'm back! :-) Wonderful post, Francisca!


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