October 30, 2010

On Benches in Boredom

Is it a universal phenomena that women drag their sweethearts out to the mall, then leave the hapless fellows waiting on benches in boredom while they check out the sales? 

I did think that these seats in the upscale Greenbelt Mall in Makati were rather handsome and unique...

Manila, 2010
...and that the reflections on the mirror clean floor would make a fine addition to James' collection of Weekend Reflections. Go check out the links to others sharing their reflections.


  1. Lol Francisca! So perfectly true! Mine always insists on coming, says he loves it but gets "tired" so much quicker than I do! Bon weekend !

  2. Definitely an upscale mall, with those freeform white "benches", Francisca, and I've never seen floors so reflectively clean.
    -- K

  3. Made lovely reflections. And I wonder what the guys are reflecting on in the other sense of the word!!

    I see this in every mall in every city we visit.

    My husband is a better shopper than I am, so he doesn't join the bench sitters often. (Although our mall walks, like all our other walks, get shorter as we age.)

  4. Oh, what a delightful post, Francisca! Love your reflections and oh, how true! Yes, you can see it in any and every mall you go to! Have a fun weekend!


  5. okay, i am fast becoming a fan of your photographic style ... love these shots ... especially the close up ... great story telling with your lens!

  6. I'm admiring the great diagonal movement and design of the floor in the first pic, Francesca!

  7. hahaha... that is so true... ask my 10 years old son and my hubby, they can take you to all the benches around.

    Great reflections!

    have a lovely weekend.

  8. Lovely shots Francisca!
    Happy weekend to you:)

  9. A worldwide phenomenom - but not all get to enjoy such gleaming floors.

  10. Super realism it feels like. I like that color scheme. You composed it beautifully. It has the real feel of the place.


  11. Those guys need to take up photography as a hobby and then they would never be bored but would look forward to being stranded outside shops. I did - in Barcelona.

  12. Those really are wonderful reflections ... but that red bench ... I think maybe I'd be afraid to sit on it!!! :=}

  13. beautiful photo's, wonderful colors like the colors from the second photo with the yellow and blue, just stunning

    Gr, Bram

  14. Hello again and thank you so much, Francisca, for your vote and lovely comment on my blog. I've read the rules carefully and it doesn't say you can only vote for one. So vote for both if you like! I really want a photo on that shortlist!!

  15. Universal phenomena indeed. :)

  16. Wow, those reflections are great ! I just love the first picture you took, with those two boys wandering what's next...

  17. such clean and cool reflections!

  18. Bonjour dear Francisca,
    Very interesting pictures, I love the modern concept of these benches and I also could be there for hours thinking about my life, my inspirations and not be bored.
    The reflections on the floor are fantastic, very well done!
    Have a wonderful SUnday

  19. I've never dragged anyone to a sale, maybe because my grandmother used to drag me to TONS of them. Nice to have a good bench in that event.

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  21. heheheh,

    That is why I go shopping alone. In fact I breeze through my shopping because I dislike it, and my husband likes window shopping.

  22. I agree! I always tell my wife, that as long as there are places for me to sit, I'll go to the mall all day...

  23. That is one shiny floor! I've seen that look on the faces of those men before...hehe.

  24. LOL, I think the men can say no to going shopping :).


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