October 29, 2010

[SkyWatch] Blue Sky. Three Seasons?

Kyoto, 2009

On first glance, one could say there are three seasons represented here.  But in fact, the clear blue sky is the same in each image, as I captured these within 20 minutes of each other.

Posted for SkyWatch Friday where amazing skies from around the globe await you.


  1. Hey! It really does look like three seasons here. Good work, Francisca!

  2. Perfect blue sky background for each shot! WoW!

  3. Beautiful views with blue sky in the background.

  4. beautiful!
    that shocking offers a great contrast...

  5. Fabulous, Francisca, to be able to find examples of three seasons within 20 minutes of each other. You must have been in an amazing place to be able to do that. Where were you this time? At home, perhaps?
    -- K

  6. These are fantastic, Francisca!! So amazing to have such a variety of skies so close to one another! Gorgeous! You did a terrific job -- as always! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  7. Very nice picture with beautiful colors!

  8. awesome pictures.

    thanks for stopping by my place and leaving such touching comments.
    I had no unfinished business with my mother, but writing about the past did help me to heal. :)

  9. Well, I can't decide which I like most! Lovely post:)

  10. exquisite! It is amazing how subtle changes can be...and then how grand they are...it is all about paying attention...being present.

  11. Perfectly lovely.
    Bring it on.

  12. Kyoto is northern hemisphere, right? I guess this is understandable depending upon variety. Nice series of shots ... amazing what a sky like does does to an image, hey?

  13. Quite amazing and clever. I went to Kyoto and found it spectacular. I especially loved the parks and shrines. Thanks for sharing.


  14. Really!? The photos are gorgeous, Francisca! It's not everyday we can see cherry blossoms and yellow gingko leaves in the same season ;-D

    Happy Friday!

  15. Great post. Was the ginkgo dying?

  16. @tapirgal... no more than all leaves die in fall. These photos were taken on one of the last days of autumn in Kyoto last year. I will post some more yellow ginkgo photos soon. I just love them.

  17. i could feel the crisp autumn breezes from your photos. a blue sky is a perfect canvas for any season. enjoy the weekend!:p

  18. It must have been an odd year meteorologically to have a crop of blossom concurrent with the Ginko turning gold.
    A great trio.

  19. you could have trick us with the spring flowers and fall leaves and th buds.

    Great idea.

  20. How lovely! Spring in Kyoto, Japan. I love the blossoms and the golden foliage of the gingko biloba and the tree in bud. It does fool the eye into believing these represent three different seasons.

  21. Perfectly captures that season-turning time of the year. Very nice.

  22. This is fantastic, you are a great observer!

  23. Flowers and plants look great against a clear blue sky. Nice background in the last pics too. Hope it's blue sky where you are today. Shower and 16 deg here!


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