September 24, 2010

[SkyWatch] Spirit in the Sky

I'm on a roll. Rock and roll. Well... maybe just old classics.

Yesterday while posting my King of the Road it was the song I had in mind. Fellow blogger Louis gave the link to the original 1964 Roger Miller version. Yay! 

I was out on my late afternoon walk when I saw this action in our sky and I was compelled to step up my pace to the beat in my brain of Spirit in the Sky (Norman Greenbaum circa 1970).

Life does that to me... connects me to music, I mean. You too?

 Manila, 2010

There are many more interesting and beautiful skies from around the world at SkyWatch Friday.


  1. Very nice music to this picture.

  2. Fantastic capture. Nice cloud formations.

  3. Isn't that an unusual cloud formation?! The winds aloft must have been going in several directions. GREAT shot!

  4. Yes, I love music! And I love your photographs! Such wonderful, different cloud formations! Such deep blue skies! Happy SWF! Francisca! Enjoy your weekend!


  5. Gorgeous cloud formation.
    I agree, and I think music connects me to life as well.

    Alberta, Canada

  6. the sky offers so many entertainment hours for skywatchers like us. thanks for sharing.

  7. Amazing sky shot - it looks as though the cloud is rushing away.

  8. Rock'n'roll? Why not, or maybe twist:)
    I love it Francisca!
    Happy Friday to you:)

  9. Manila...I keep coming back to of the most distinctive differences back home and my second home would be the fluffiness of the clouds that Manila displays. Pretty! :)

  10. Lovely sky! The song Spirit in the Sky was one of my all-time favorites as a child. I had the 45 rmp along with the others in my collection, inside this record box that had a psychedelic, paisley print on it. Thanks for taking me back!

  11. Yes, Some scenes just set off music in us. :)

  12. The whirling cloud is fantastic! Sometimes I'm hit by a song or a tune from a view, too. Hope you have a wonderful friday :D

  13. What beautiful illumination here! Yeah, there was one in my head today, but I'm not sure what starts them. I think this was from a movie I saw two days ago. It was a sort of opera using Beatles songs.

  14. oh yes, i have MTVs in my mind all the time.:p

    a cloud formation worth singing for.

  15. What a great cloud bank..good capture.

  16. What a great capture !!
    I really love it...
    Happy SWF and greetings from Holland,

  17. It looks like a river in the sky! Or more of a cascade, really. ;)

    Have a wonderful weekend, Francisca!

  18. What a great sh0t,makes me sing....a s0ng f0r h0me.

  19. This photo is like using a broom and sweeping the clouds away.

    You have a very interesting life. where are you from originally?

  20. The cloud seems to be moving.... Happy weekend, Ev

  21. Just about perfect, Francisca. Yes, music life - and vice versa.

    Funny, I was playing King Of The Road on the piano yesterday!

    We just got back from a 4,000-mile road trip to Colorado to visit out daughter...took a few photos. :-)

    Put up a blog which we'd invite you to visit. We've got too many blogs, so don't feel as though you need to comment; just enjoy!

  22. Hi again! Yes, the Dove Outreach is just one of hundreds of wacko and creepy fundy outfits in the State of Florida ... very ugly stuff. All in the name of god, of course!

    The real trouble is these groups are replicated by the thousands across the US and the ignorant and naive come flocking through their doors to throw down money to get their guarantee of Paradise!

    Okay. Sermon over. :-)

  23. Amazing shapes! I don't see clouds of this kind here often...


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