September 12, 2010

Growing Up Too Fast

Kathmandu, 2010

This photo joins The Weekend in Black and White.


  1. Beautiful photography and views from around the world, your blog is a winner.

  2. That's pretty interesting. Not only is it an evocative portrait, but look at the clothing. I'm assuming they make their own woven things? It has the modern shoes on it, something that any kid his age might enjoy. But tell me, do they make their sweaters or are they made elsewhere?

  3. The very first thing to strike me was the weariness in his eye. A portrait that oozes empathy, Francisca. The owner of all and the owner of nothing. The gleam of the chrome contrasting with the snot of the nose. Lovely work.

  4. Aw, he looks rather wistful, wonder what was going on in his mind?

  5. Always better than not growing at all!

  6. Nice portrait with lots of shapes.

  7. His eyes tell it all. I wonder what he was looking at so solemnly. Beautiful capture in black and white, Francisca :D

  8. Neat photo. Sadly most kids are growing up too fast these days. And then they stay teenagers into their 30s.


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