August 22, 2010

Minority Woman with Baskets

This minority woman crossing the footbridge may have been collecting the day's vegetables in plots across this river from her riverside town, much like many generations of her tribe before her. 

Longshen Town, Guangxi, 2007

Posted for Louis la Vache's Sunday Bridges. Click the link for links to may more interesting bridges around the world.


  1. now, that is a fantastic shot! it's a beautiful scene, and the water looks so clean.

  2. It always amazes me to see water this color, and the purple flowers really set it off (or vice-versa). I wonder how the ring structure was chosen to hold the bridge together. Simple and strong? They make a nice design, too.

  3. Beautiful place - the colour of water is amazing and bridge itself is lovely.
    Happy Sunday to you:)

  4. I've often wondered why we don't use yokes any more, when I've been trudging home from the supermarket with two heavy bags.

  5. From the thumbnail photo, I recognise the two baskets hanging on the woman's shoulder. Even my mum used to do that.

  6. Love these bridges. And take a look at that water! Wonderful shot, Francisca.

  7. Timeless scene perfectly caught. I agree with JM, the water is amazing.

  8. Well... I agree not only with JM but with all the previous commentators!

  9. I enlarged the photo and I am so glad I did! Marvelous photo!

  10. This entire scene can be from generations ago! I don't see a single modern thing. Well, except for you and your camera.

    Great shot, Francisca! I'm glad you waited for her to get to the middle of the bridge.


  11. A simple and practical footbridge for everyday use. A fine composition for a familiar but at the same time exotic subject.

  12. I love it. So beautiful!
    Best regards
    Elisa, Argentina

  13. Very nice photo. Suhc a green countryside.

  14. That's amazing, how he balance himself with those stuff hiw carrying at walked in that hanging bridge!

  15. I agree with everyone above, great shot. We get so spoiled with fresh produce in the stores, it's good to remember it isn't like that everywhere. Still, her baskets are a beautiful combination of form and function.

  16. She must have amazing balance! The details of the bridge and basket are lovely when you see the photo upclose! :D


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