August 21, 2010

These Geese Are Cooked

Listen to all, plucking a feather from every passing goose, 
but, follow no one absolutely” ~ Chinese proverb

Guangdong, 2010

Joining the fun at Camera Critters and Weekend Reflections. The links will take you to other links of kind folks playing. If you want to see more of the geese, clicking the photo will get you there.


  1. That is a lot of geese! I love it! Perfect proverb, too! Fantastic capture and beautiful reflections! Hope you enjoy an lovely weekend, Francisca!


  2. I like the skinniness of this photo as the reflectin makes it complete. Cute geese too :)

  3. That's a lot of geese!! interesting reflection of the fence in the water.

  4. The photo is well done and perfectly cropped. The proverb is a good one. I'll remember it.

  5. Lovely serene shot. What exactly that proverb means though is food for thought.

  6. Excellent...great capture. And love the reflection of them also.

  7. Beautiful shot! Lovely geese and fine reflections, too.

  8. there's so many of them

  9. I like the reflection but sorry, I can't help thinking about a nice plate of goose now. That's your fault. :-)

  10. So many of them! Are they the famous Beijin duck? :D

  11. @Kaori and Ciel - these geese are soon to be served as the famous - and super delicious - Cantonese barbecued goose/duck. Quite different from the Beijing roast duck, Kaori, and my personal preference, although they are both yummy. I could not belieeeeve I did not have a decent shot of BBQ goose in my archives! :-)

  12. Hello Francisca, what a great photo! Thank you for sharing it today. I love to look at geese and it's been a very long time since I saw so many.
    An English Girl Rambles

  13. They are really all over the place. Nice capture and beautiful reflections.

  14. Very charming, Francisca, but I'll bet it smells! I almost posted geese today, but chose something more typical Astoria.

  15. Great reflection here, Francisca! And the proverb is perfect.

  16. They are lovely!
    Best regards from Argentina
    Elisa, at Serendipity

  17. I like this shot a lot! The intersting brick wall and the geese are reflected very nicely.

  18. This is such a cool image! Great capture.

  19. Love the reflections - fantastic.


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