May 26, 2012

Goats on a Tropical Beach

Ilocos, 2010

All I need to say about this is that right about now I'd rather be a goat on a sunny tropical beach. Just for a few minutes, okay?

Linking with Camera Critters.


  1. I wouldn't mind being one of those goats Francisca, think I would be right at home on that beautiful beach :)

  2. That is a beautiful place!

  3. I kinda miss the sound these critters make.

    I have a black spider spider, please come and see. Have a great weekend.

  4. Ha, I wouldn't mind being a goat on a tropical island. Lovely photo.

  5. I thought this is our very own Goa, India. Lovely.

  6. I felt the same way about the cows we saw along the coastline in California...a beautiful view and sunny skies. Our poor Wisconsin cows!

  7. What a wonderful place to be a goat! I could happily co-exist with them :)

  8. Goats are not big on social niceties, so I should fit right in. Booking ticket. ~Mary

  9. Cool! I've seen cows so far, not goats. :-)

  10. I would love to keep them company on that beautiful place!

  11. Sometimes, being a goat isn't all that bad! I'd like to be on that beach right now, as a goat, or otherwise...

  12. oh your post makes me miss the Philippines so bad :-( miss going to the beach too, cute picture of the goats :-) Dropping by from Camera Critters


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