April 27, 2012

Tea Kettle Reflections

Have a headache? Flu? Body aches? Is your system too hot? Too cold?

Don't despair; there's a Chinese herbal tea remedy for it.

In most, if not all, Chinese towns you can find any number of small tea shops or street vendors offering a quick cup of herbal "make you feel better" for whatever ails you.

And at one such street stall not long ago I found my reflections for Weekend Reflections. The first photo is also my contribution to Weekend in Black and White. Better viewed enlarged.

Wuchuan, 2012


  1. Very cool shots! Well spotted reflections, Francisca.

  2. Love these! You are right about enlarging. They were already good and they got better!

  3. Great find Francisca. I hope they were shined up just for you.

  4. I really love those pictures and reflections!

  5. I like these - and I'd try the tea. I like the fragrant chinese tea.

  6. Oh, I love it, Francisca, and I'm not feeling well today. I was going to have a nap but I think I'll make myself some herbal tea first. Something soothing.
    Thanks for the idea.
    Love your photos.

  7. There is something so wonderful about groupings, even more so with all those reflections. Great capture.

  8. This made me smile! Great eye, Francisca!

  9. I don't mind herbal (though they can taste absolutely horrid)—it's the exotic TCM recipes that use parts of endangered animal species that I wish they'd stop.

    Fun reflection shots, though.

  10. I think I'll make a cup of tea...

  11. Great shot from a surprising place!

  12. I do love your tea kettles and their wonderful reflections, Cisca!! Delightful captures for the day! Hope you're not suffering from any colds, flu, body aches or headaches!! Just have some tea and have a lovely weekend!!


  13. Comfort lined up in rows, not bad :) Well captured reflections. Have a nice weekend!

  14. A tea and a lovely weekend seems a good idea! After the bitter taste of macha, in Japan, I can use a cup of fruit tea. Good photos, I like the reflections!

  15. This is the right post for me this week... After one and a half week with the flu, and still sick, I could really need some Chinese herbal tea!!
    Wonderful shot of the teapots. Great reflections!

  16. Tea for what ails ya? Have to remember that. I'm not much of a tea drinker, perhaps THAT's my problem. : )
    Rounded shapes make such cool reflections. My fave here is the middle shot.
    Hope all is going as well as possible.

  17. beautiful Francisca! Thank you so much for your lovely message the other day. I've been ridiculously busy and had not had a moment to respond. I deeply appreciate your kindness and all that you do to make this world a more compassionate place!

  18. Just the sight of a lovely tea pot can make me feel better. ~Mary

  19. Stunning pictures, wonderful relfections!

  20. Wow, the reflections are so clear. Awesome!

  21. Great job on this series of three, I like the multiplication of tea pots, and all reflected therein... I can't imagine how many teapots must exist in a country with over a billion people ! Think of all those reflections waiting to be observed out there !

  22. Delightful photos, Francisca! Herbal teas are wonderful, especially in winter. Not only do they taste and smell wonderful but they do have numerus health benefits.

  23. Wonderful reflection -- and yet better enlarged, great catch! Part of me thinks there's something to those herbal folk remedies -- at least some of them.... if only we knew which ones.

  24. Great shots, love the reflections.

  25. The kettle reflections are excellent!

  26. I guess it's been quite a long journey since the moment you took these pictures and still they keep on catching people's eye and curiosity...

    My name is Daniela Rodarte, I'm a mexican Visual Studies researcher and I've been working lately with pictures which capture reflections that trigger fantasy and imaginary constructions. Yours are some of the most appealing "worlds" captured on photographs I've found on the web and I wonder if I could get in touch with you to chat a bit more about your images.

    Thank you so much for yout attention

  27. Hello, Daniela. Thanks for reaching out and for your appreciation. You did not leave a means for me to get in touch with you. You can email me at viewthrumygloballens@gmail.com


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