December 5, 2011

Monday Mural I

 New York, 2008

Many months ago sister blogger at Oakland Daily Photo started posting awesome murals she finds all over her city every Monday. I've been following them with great pleasure. More recently, others have followed suit in posting all kinds of wall art (click here and here on Mondays).

Murals appeal to me on a number of levels. Wall art comes in many forms: it can be a divine fresco in an old church, a fun depiction of a historical story, or even just an attractive way to decorate a commercial establishment. In any event, they bring color and stories into our lives. Like all public art, murals bring art to the people; they are accessible. Unlike graffiti, wall art is invited, it is not an intrusion, a defacement of public or private property. And as with all mediums and levels of art, I definitely like some more than others.

Today's animal glass mosaic mural above is worth enlarging to see the detail. I snapped it walking into the Fifth Avenue subway in New York City a few years ago. It is part of a collection of murals at that station called Urban Oasis created by artist Ann Schaumburger in collaboration with Miotto Mosaics in 1997.

I think the tiled sign for the subway was pretty cool too and will link it with Signs, Signs (on Wednesday).

I don't see enough murals to post one every week, but this is a first of what I hope will be an occasional series.

If you too like wall art, click on the keyword mural on my sidebar to see a few I have posted before and go check out some of the fabulous ones posted by the other photo bloggers. And come check this spot on Mondays.

Or better yet, post your own mural and let us know!


  1. Francisca, nice choice for Monday murals. Care to start mural meme? I would if I thought I could be reliable at taking care of it. Thanks for linking to my Monday Mural.

  2. @Andy, I gave some thought to starting the mural meme, but two considerations prevent me: (1) I'm not sure I have enough murals to participate weekly, and (2) my travels too frequently interrupt my access to internet for me to be a reliable host for a meme. But I will certainly participate in the blog-hop when I can! :-) Keep posting 'em!

  3. This has me pining for my annual visit to NYC (that likely won't happen this year). Glad you joined our little gathering. Maybe ODP will play host? I will need to go on a mural gathering hunt soon.

  4. How interesting that Schaumburger chose a jungle for the motif in New York City.

  5. So awesome to see these! I saw some wonderful murals on subway walls in Boston last year. Camera wasn't working.... I'll watch for more of this art on here.

  6. Love the mural and that mosaic sign.

    We don't see many murals over here.

  7. Niice idea - there are certainly some wonderful examples of wall art on various blogs.

  8. I love murals! I used to paint them but haven't in years!

    This post almost inspires me to get out my brushes...

    But not quite! ha!

  9. I like well-done murals assuming they are the result of an artistic assignment. And this is quite also gives substance to my theory that you were monkeying around on Fifth Avenue when your were in New York! :-)

  10. Beautiful mural. The exotic feeling reminds me of Rousseau's paintings. Happy to have fellow travelers for a Monday Mural.

  11. I agree with Andy, this would be a great meme! The monkeys in your mural are cute. And I love the Fifth Ave sign...tile art is always a joy to see! :D

  12. Fabulous mural - so huge! And bright.

  13. The monkey mural looks so Mexican. Love it.

  14. I really like that Fifth Ave subway sign.

  15. Love the monkeys in the first mural and I also like the Fifth Avenue one. I would love to see a meme for these murals, but I would seldom have one to post. Nice contribution this week. genie

  16. this mural definitely lights up the wall. i love light on glass mosaics. thanks for sharing.

  17. What a wonderful idea - to showcase this beautiful art! I hope someone jumps on this meme!!!

    I found you through your Signs Signs link!

  18. I like murals and all outdoor art -- art for the masses, because that's who I are ;>)....

    The monkeys look like they're having a good time!


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