November 3, 2011

A is for Arc de Triomphe

I'd be astonished if you were not familiar with the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the famous monument honoring the brave soldiers who fought for France, particularly during the Napoleonic Wars. But you may not know that there are other similar arch structures built around the globe in memory of valiant soldiers who lost their lives for a cause . 

I've seen four other arch monuments in my travels: in Rome, Delhi, Bucharest and Chişinău. Today, for Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday and the letter A, I share with you my photos of the small Arc de Triomphe in the small country of Moldova.

We arrived in the capital in the late afternoon earlier this year and I made it to the monument just as the sun was setting. The massive building behind it is the Government House of Moldova.

Chişinău, 2011

Unfortunately, I've been unable to find out what triumph this monument commemorates. I've learned that it is also called the Holy Gates, but to what I don't know.

Built of white stone this triumphal arch is similar in design to the one in Paris, but much smaller. The architectural details are rather pretty, I think. 

Another confusing fact is that the references I found date this monument to 1841, yet the plaque offers the date 1846. It was restored in 1973.

I think these two plaques in the Moldovan Cyrillic alphabet (used only from 1938 until 1989) and the Russian Cyrillic alphabet... and I can't tell you which is what... are interesting and will fit sign seekers at Signs, Signs.


  1. Yes, the details are very pretty.

    As for the one in Paris, I will never forgive them for putting Turenne's name on them. He killed too many innocent people, women, children in the West of France during the Revolution merely because they weren't revolutionaries.

  2. Make that "on it" lol, I'm still sleepy!

  3. I didn't know that there were Arc de Triumph in other countries beside Paris/France.. interesting!!

  4. great shots! and interesting to know that it´s not only in paris :)

  5. Amazing! I love the carvings and the fact that it was restored. Can't wait to see your weekly finds again:)

  6. What a pretty monument! I didn't realize there was more than one.

  7. Perhaps the 1841 date was from when they started building it? Great pictures!

  8. Every city should have an Arch de Triomph! This one is really nice. I love all the details.

  9. This one is lovely! You probably wouldn't believe, but I've never been to Paris, so can't compare - but I loved the one in Bucharest:)
    By the way, old cemeteries are great! I love pottering strolling around them - always something strange to find!
    Have a great day:)

  10. Interesting.
    And Moldovia had their own alphabet for only 51 years?!

  11. There are definitely similarities to the arch in Paris. Your captures are wonderful. Would love to be there looking at it in person. genie

  12. I enjoy looking at monuments because they make me grateful to people who paved the way for me and others.


  13. ah. Moldova. On my list of places to go. My step-son was there on a two year mission for our church. He loved it!! thanks for sharing.

  14. Fantastic information, and monument is grand. I love the details also, very beautiful work.

  15. Ditto what Sue said. I am cuious as to why it's called the Holy Gates. Would love to know more.It's so nice to be able to see all these places I can never go to.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.~Ames~Ames

  16. The details are breathtaking to behold...and, when you stop to think how they did all that work, they are mind boggling.

  17. Ooh a mystery! I do know the one in Paris but had no idea they had them in other parts of the world. I love the details! :D

  18. I'd love to see some of these things in person, do some traveling. It looks lovely.

  19. You hit on the perfect time of day to photograph that structure. Your photos are so beautiful, Francisca! Thank you for all the interesting information.

  20. I love to come to your blog and see all your amazing photos and travels! You certainly have a wonderful eye and Global lens! :o)

    The smaller arch monument in Moldova is beautiful.
    & I love the details in the Arc de Triomphe. I had drawn an image of this before for someone. You can see it in my facebook "album" All about Buildings, landmarks, etc

    Blessings & Aloha!'s so fun being back in Ms. Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday class :o)

  21. The details are amazing! Love that shot.

  22. Hello.
    The architectural details are stunning.
    Awesome photos & facts!
    Thanks for sharing.


  23. Very interesting! What I have realized living in Rome and becoming immersed in Ancient Roman history is that the very first "arc" seems to have been built in the first century BC by the emperor Domitian to honour his brother Titus. It was their father who built the Colosseum. The Triumphal Arch of Titus is located in the Roman Forum and infamously displays Titus' victory over Jerusalem. Subsequent Roman emperor's came to regard a Triumphal Arch as THE thing to do to commemorate their victories - including Severus and Constantine.

  24. @alifeinrome... silly me... I had not remembered The Triumphal Arch of Titus in Rome and I saw it only a few years ago! Thanks for this bit of history, Carla!

  25. wow...what detail
    great photos
    super duper A post

  26. What a gorgeous, gorgeous place!

    I love seeing your world through your blog!

    It's always wonderful to travel to far off places while wearing your pajamas!

    Thanks for sharing this fascinating architecture with us.



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