September 9, 2011

[SkyWatch] Variable Skies

We've been seeing a lot of this lately, and no, sad to say, it's not a monochrome... just a dreary gray, even when the sun tries hard to poke her head through the clouds.

But at times it did get better... with fluffy white clouds in a brilliant blue sky.

And then there was best, a sunset over the bay, making the nameless bridge a mere silhouette.

Manila, 2011

Check out the hundreds of amazing skies from around the world linked at SkyWatch Friday. And you'll find interesting bridges at Sunday Bridges.


  1. Wonderful photos for SWF!I love the photos with the palm trees!Have a nice weekend!

  2. Hmmm. We've had some cloudy skies lately too. It makes you appreciate it when the sun comes out. :)

  3. I like the variety of your beautiful skies. We've had a lot of gray too.

  4. Nothing like variety, is there? But it's always nice when the clouds burn off and you get the ones like your last two!! Gorgeous captures for the day! Enjoy your weekend!!


  5. but the palm trees help, don't they? ;)

  6. Wonderful shots, liked the contrasts.

  7. Such diversity in nature, and so well captured by you!

  8. Stunnig sky shots..especially the las one..what a Great Sunset..perfect way to end the day.

  9. Skies - ever-changing, always interesting, frequently breath-taking and always worth recording.

  10. I always love bridges and sunsets, Francisca, but I dunno, that centre photo sure looks appealing!
    Now I just noticed the previous post, which I somehow missed. Must check it out.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  11. it's been so long since we've had more than one cloudy day here, I think I'd take a string of them, just for a bit of variety. but if it goes on and on...well, we do long for sun then, don't we? your skies are beautiful. even the gray one. but the sunset is the money shot. happy day to you Francisca!

  12. Francisca you made the grey day look awesome! But IRL we want the bue sky :)

  13. I like seeing the variations. That one time when we stayed here in Oregon until February, I threatened to take a picture of the back of a writing tablet and post it to Skywatch. The uniform gray was just about the same as our sky on many days . ;>)

  14. Great skywatch shots, the last two are my favorites. I have the gray rainy skies here. Happy skywatching!

  15. You are so right - that sunset is gorgeous! I keep telling myself, when the sky is all gray like that, that at least I can see it. There are still days when that does not help, though...

  16. Very unpredictable sky!
    Love the three moods. :)

  17. What a magnificent sunset over the bay!

  18. Gorgeous! I especially like the framing of the first one in monochrome.

  19. An overpowering sky in the last shot. Nice.

  20. Beautiful skies! Loved the white fluffy clouds in the 2nd pic... And the burning skies in the last one...
    Have a fabulous weekend:)

  21. Awesome shot at the bottom. Great combination of orange and dark grey.

  22. Nice! My favorite part is the lower right in the bottom photo. You know how I love sunset on water!

  23. Even the grey sky was very pretty. I enjoyed all three photographs Francisca, thank you.

  24. All so different, all so beautiful. The last one is my favorite, love the colors and the reflection.

  25. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just 'mouse over' a gray sky and see colour?!

  26. Great captures! Funny how weather can change so fast! The sunset is beautiful!

  27. Cloudy skies are often the best for photographing. More dramatic...


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