September 11, 2011

Queen of the Tropics

This is my pictorial ode to the lovely hibiscus. I fell in love with this flower just this year, although of course I've seen it around for decades. And only recently I learned that here in the Philippines it is called gumamela, a word that rolls pleasingly off my tongue right into my ears. Amazing how shifting my attentions can open up a whole new world. And how the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

With several hundred species of this genus of the Malvaceae or mallow family, I can only show you a very few I've seen around in my neighborhood. You can read more about this versatile flower in this wiki.

Manila, 2011

I am linking with dozens of other stunning flowers at Today's Flower and Weekend Flowers. The top image is offered to Shadow Shot Sunday and then there's Macro Monday. There's plenty to please at all these wonderful memes.


  1. Stunning Hibiscus, so beautiful. The shadow is great.

  2. Such brilliantly showy flowers. I love the way you composed the third shot. I've just been catching up on your posts' it's too easy to miss a few days and miss some gems, like the horses.

  3. never let your feet stay anywhere toooo long. So you are posting from the Philippines. This is so exciting. YOu have no clue as to how I love the hibiscus blooms. We had them all over sour yard while I was growing up in south Florida. These blooms are the different colors. Mickie at Forgetmenot is another that is an ace with shooting these blooms. You all are just the best. My one little plant continuers to give me a bloom in the morning and then it is dead the next day. That is NOT the way they were in Florida. Beautiful pictures. genie

  4. You made me smile about the word rolling of your tongue. I've tried to say "thank you" in Chinese, it that certainly does not roll off my tongue, lol.

  5. To add, beautiful capture of the hibiscus -didn't realize you had a macro:)

  6. Such gorgeous Hibiscus and such wonderful colors -- not to mention the beautiful shadow shots you've captured! Stunning shots! Hope your weekend is going well! Enjoy!


  7. Beautiful shadow in the first shot, Francisca. Amazing hibiscus in the third. Wow.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. I truly enjoyed visiting and seeing your lovely flowers. I enjoy all flowers.

  9. A lovely post Francisca, all those colors, just fabulous!

  10. Such luscious-looking flowers!


    Bits of shadow and blasts of light,
    Morning and evening, noon and night;

    Days of darkness, gloomy and drear;
    Sometimes bright ones, bringing good cheer;

    Spring or winter, summer or fall,
    Light or shadow—embrace them all!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Morning Shadow Magic here

  11. I love the first one with the shadows but all are beautiful!

  12. The hibiscus are breathtaking, what a wonderful assortment of colors. I especially like the first one since I have never seen that color of hibiscus before.

  13. Beautiful photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  14. lovely flower shots - beautiful...

  15. Wow! Such gorgeous variety! We have quite a few of these in the BOtanics and I always admire them when they are out. I used to prefer the double ruffled ones but I think I'm leaning more towards the elegance of the single petaled flowers now. I have never seen that beautiful delicate red frilled one though - so beautiful! What a lovely post!

  16. Thanks for your nice Weekendflowers Francisca :) My timezone is GMT +1 and now summertime (+1 h more). It´s now 10:30 here. LG Tina

  17. you're right Francisca. Gumamela is all over th Philippines. I never even look at them. But you made them look really special in our snap shots. Nice photos!

  18. such beautiful flowers, such vivid colours in all of them

  19. I love those gumamelas opppps hibiscus I should say hehehe.

    Lovely shadow captures!!!

    Please come and see my shadows at Nostalgic Marveling, have a blessed Sunday!

  20. I do adore the hibiscus. That first shot is stunning.

  21. Bonjour sweet Francisca,
    wow these flowers are so beautiful, I'm enchanted by the hibiscus pictures, you did it very well!
    Lovely red and so nice energy,
    purrs and a great week ahead,

  22. I love your hibiscus, the first shot and colors are just lovely. Have a great day, Francisca.

  23. I've always loved the hibiscus flower because my grandpa in Okinawa used to grow them in their yard. These flowers are so gorgeous! I clicked and enlarged all of them ;D

  24. Wow! These are gorgeous. I especially like the color combo in the first one - the rainbow hues and the orange-orange end of the stamen.

  25. Wonderful hibiscus! I have not seen most of these varieties at all! I love the colour in the first shot!!

  26. And it's the national flower of Malaysia. I first spotted the one like in the 3rd photo a few years ago - strange upside down flower, I thought, but I love it the most.

  27. Always reminds me of Hawaii. I have one growing in a pot in the back yard. But the leaves always drop during in winter. Still the coral flower is a pleasure to see.

  28. Beautiful photos! I adore those flowers. They're very popular here in Australia too! Which pleases me greatly :)

  29. A stunning variety of rich colours in the hibiscus flower! And amazing the different climates where it still survives well!

  30. I love hibiscus flowers! What beautiful examples you have here. :)

  31. Gorgeous! So different than the ones here.

  32. just beautiful...I love the shadow in the first photo.

  33. I'm amazed at how many different colours there are of this beautiful flower!

  34. What gorgeous colors!! You are indeed Queen of the Tropics!

    I'm your newest follower and would love for you to follow me.
    Have a wonderful day!!

  35. Yes we have a lot of gumamela, i've posted lots of them several times also in the past. Do you know that scientists here have hybridized gumamela/hibiscus and the hybrids are named after famous women of the country?

  36. Beautiful -- that golden yellow one (I think it's the first picture) is a different color than I've ever seen. (Again from when we're in Florida, not here in Oregon).

  37. Hibiscus or gumamela as we call it in the Philippines are pretty. I remember how me and friends used to pick them and brought it to the chapel as our offering to the Mother Mary. I have many happy memories that I can relate to this flower. ^_^ Great arrays of hibiscus and thanks for sharing.

    My Macro

  38. Gorgeous vibrant light and colors in these macros!


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