August 11, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

Joining Lesley's Signs, Signs.


  1. I got dizzy just deciding in my mind which way to go.
    Thanks for the tips on on the cucumbers. Do you know you can also eat them(:0)

  2. You've made my day with this post! It's so funny!!!!!
    As for Romania, you're right. It offers so much! Definitely will visit it again:)

  3. You have really put a grin on my face this morning. Decisions, Decisions....that has been the story of my life. Now, I get to see it in sign. Love your post today. Genie

  4. Funny sign. How could this ment to be serious?

  5. ... and the confusion mounts. Sheeeeeeeeesh!

  6. as if an emergency isn't confusing enough!!

  7. It's like a bad blond joke (as a former one, I'm allowed to say that)...can't you just see (me) standing there forever because I can't figure out which way to go ;>)

  8. Now that's a tough one! I used to work with a guy who would have stood right there not knowing which way to go. He would have been frozen... Life wasn't easy for him. Nice photo!

  9. I presume you can't go straight so no matter which way you turn, it is going to be an adventure!

  10. Way too funny! :-) Fantastic find.

  11. I'm confused. I was doing just fine today until I saw this post! Sheesh!

  12. What in the world? It looks like the person is trying to sneak away. hehe!


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