July 22, 2011

[SkyWatch] Moon Before Night

Manila, 2011

The moon pull'd off her veil of light,
That hides her face by day from sight
Mysterious veil, of brightness made,
That's both her lustre and her shade,
And in the lantern of the night,
With shining horns hung out her light.
~ Samuel Butler (author, 1835-1902)

The lanterns glowing in the setting sun are made of capiz shell.
For SkyWatch Friday.


  1. Pretty shots - lovely with the gold decorations.

  2. The lanterns are very pretty. Do you use them as ornaments at Christmas or hang them out all year long?

    Nice captures of the moon and clouds.

  3. These are lovely Francisca. We have capiz lanterns at home. Maybe I live near your place? :)

    Happy sky watching.

    Liz @ A Simple Life

  4. Stunning shots! I love looking at afternoon moons.

  5. Gorgeous captures of the moon sneaking in and out of the lovely clouds! Love the golden lanterns! Perfect touch and the perfect words as well! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Francisca!


  6. LOVE the natural framing with the trees.

  7. i want some of those beautiful capiz lanterns.

  8. Those capiz lanterns must be even more lovely when lit.
    and your choice of poetry is perfect for this series.

  9. I can't decided which picture I like more!Both are lovely and Butler in addition:)

  10. I like the idea of the lanterns in the trees. especially with a nice moonlight.

  11. Just lovely photos of the moon and sky, Francisca. I love the cute lanterns. Happy skywatching!

  12. Hi Francisca
    I love bare trees, and yours back-lit with the big blue skies are splendid. what a romantic moon too and that is one beautiful poem to go along. nice one Francisca. happy SWF. I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

  13. That cute lanterns look familiar. And the sky with an early moon is just gorgeous!

  14. Huhuu! I'm feeling homesick with your photos. You captured them so lovely. And the moon in the background is interesting.

  15. The glint of the lanterns sets off the moon so beautifully. Lovely shots :)

  16. Those ornaments are beautiful almost as if they are mirroring the beautiful full moon. Lovely poem, lovely post.

  17. Wow I love these lantern and with the moon is very dramatic!


  18. wonderful shots Francisca! Are they fresh from the camera or you did some PS? BTW, what time do you normally link here, as even if i do it early Friday 8:00am, i usually land at the >100 slots. haha!

  19. Great shot of the sky and moon

    Pheno Menon

  20. What gorgeous lanterns - and these photos are so lyrical!

  21. This is such a special post, the pictures are brilliant, and I'm delighted by the first composition!Very artistic shot!

  22. Beautiful photos, Francisca! Are the capiz shell lanterns yours? They are LOVELY! I would love to find some of my own.

  23. Guess I am going to have to do some research on capiz shells. The lanterns are lovely and that spot is heavenly. What a wonderful to shoot from. Love this one. Genie

  24. I'm impressed. It is very difficult to get a good shot of the moon and have the rest of the photo in focus...at least it's difficult for me. But you did it!

    Hope that all is well and that you have a wonderful weekend!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on our blogs!

  25. Those lanterns are nice. Looks kinda romantic :)

  26. Lovely, Francisca!

    —Kay, Alberta, Canada

  27. The lanterns are cute! Love how you caught the moon in the photo, too. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, Francisca!

  28. So beautiful! I especially like the top shot with the lanterns.


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