July 7, 2011

L is for Laundry... Again

What do you suppose are the chances of my conceiving the same theme for one letter for Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday

While ruminating about what to post for the letter L today, I recalled my photos of these women and children doing laundry and bathing in a small river in the far-western Mongolian province of Hovd. And yes, I've posted about laundry before (as I have about Hovd; you can find them by clicking the name in the list in the right sidebar). But I hope you'll agree this scene too merits viewing.

Next time you're inclined to lament having to do your laundry... (well, you know how this thought ends...)

 [all images can be enlarged with a click of the mouse]

 Hovd, 2007

Tina has invited me to link with her PicStory meme where the theme of the day is hand-made. There you'll find links to more stories of interesting way bloggers have used their hands. Thank you, Tina!

PS. My horizontal photos are set to Blogger's large, since x-large makes them run outside the margins. I've tried to enlarge the photos in html, but find that makes the images go blurry, as in yesterday's post, until they are clicked to see enlarged. If anyone can teach me how to go around this, I'd be grateful.
PPS. Thank you, Kaori and Perry! It works! Both posts have been fixed.


  1. When you find out, please let me know! I know I've said this before, but I sure am envious of your travels. These photos are very nice!

  2. Since photos! If you like, link them to *PicStory* - just running with the theme: *Self-made* :)
    I feel this laundry is self-made and self-washed :). So if you like...
    LG Tina

  3. Bonjour Francisca,
    It's an amazing reportage and your pictures are wonderful.I feel as I was there with you.That second shot is my favorite.

  4. Thanks for linking in. Thats so nice to have something different in. I like it! :) LG Tina

  5. Hard way to wash but I wouldn't mind trading it for a while...

  6. Looks quite pleasant in the weather. I'm guessing there's not so much laundry to do as we might in our homes.

    Re photos, you may need to change your template choice or border widths to allow for larger photos. It seems to be a balancing act.

  7. What beautiful photos! I do love having a washer and dryer.

  8. I was intrigued by the flock of sheep in the background of the first photo until I looked at the others and saw the yurts and realised this was Mongolia.

  9. I always love your photos of places I've never been (which is just about everywhere! haha).

    I've been changing my photo size on html for my side shots, too. I think if you enlarge them to X-large, then downsizing on the html, the photos stay clear. Did I make sense? The point is to downsize instead enlarging :D

  10. wow i love those very idyllic setting, and the grasses looks like mowed regularly by grazers, and the water is really very clean. I love to bathe with those children too, i dont mind doing the laundry.

  11. I am still glad I have my Maytag. But it must be a fun ritual for the families. :)

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog, perry-myworld. Your images are quite good too. I only wish I could go and see the things you get to. Oh, trust me, we *all* have a lot to learn! :-)

    So what I do if I want an image larger than "Large", which is [width="400"] I set the image to "X-Large" like you tried to do and it will come in too big and will be lost on the right side. (You already knew this.) The default [width="640"] needs to be changed to around 500 making it smaller by editing the html. Downsizing retains sharpness, up-sizing not so much. :-) There is one other thing to do: Delete the [height="425"] entry, it is not needed. If you leave it in at 425 your image will be distorted. Optionally, you will have to calculate the ratio of downsizing the width and apply that to the height. (500/640=.78 New height would be .78*425=332.) Why bother. :-)

  13. For sure I am GLAD I do not have to do my laundry in the river. :) These are great photos, Francisca!

  14. Beautiful setting, but I'm grateful for my Kenmore!


  15. it is beautiful. And what interesting tents. I like how they laid out the clothes and sheets on the green grass! {:-Deb

  16. Our brand new washer broke down and we have to wait for a part. The laundry is mounting up! I am sending Rod over to the lake on our golf course to do the wash!! I love your photos!!

  17. That the most beautiful laundry room. Happy Weekend Francisca

  18. Fantastic photos showing how simple life can be so enjoyable also.

  19. Great lawns! Those tents are so characteristic of the region.

  20. Thanks for the wonderful reminder of how good we really have it in this country.

    The pictures were amazing...and although I cannot offer any advice on how to fix them, they look great to me.

    Thanks for a great link! And congratulations!



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