June 29, 2011

X is for Xtreme Sport

"Look ma, no hands!

Also known as a parent's nightmare.

In Skatepark Herăstrău, girls and boys of all ages xhibit their daring and skills on bikes, rollerblades and skateboards.

Bucharest, 2011

I appreciate their spunk and daredevilry. I was like this as a kid, too, in my own way. (You're not surprised, are you?) I believe this youthful fearlessness helps to develop balance and independence. But I must admit I was happy I didn't witness anyone bleed.

If you are curious to see the kids in action, I found this 3:40 minute video on YouTube. It also shows you where on our globe the park is located.

Now for a seriously jaw-dropping piece of inspiration, go see this video of Danny MacAskill performing his amazing street riding. I can't recommend it highly enough. It's had over 26 million views, so you can be sure it'll be worth your while.

What have you done to push your envelope of daring and creativity?

This joins the community at ABC Wednesday where the letter of the week is the difficult X.


  1. Too cool!


  2. Fantastic! Loved the video! I don't think I was particularly daring in my younger days aside from riding/jumping horses, but I did and still do love flying in balloons. I was never too scared to try new things and they were always fun! Great post for the day, Francisca! Hope your week is going well!

    ABC Team

  3. whaty, no helmets? not that I'd do them in either case...

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. Shy and timid as a child, I've pushed my daring envelope a lot over the years (sometimes being forced to as I kick and scream) -- my daring bar is set a lot lower though ;>)

  5. Just the kinds of things my grandsons love...they buy these kinds of videos and watch them over and over.

  6. Wow that´s cool!
    It´s good, that pens don´t need so much space. Otherwise we would need a big house :) LG Tina

  7. WOW! thanks for the video link. I almost wish I would have been this daring in my youth. happy Wednesday to you Francisca.

  8. I think it's great. I was too protected as a kid I think...

  9. I must admit, I have never thought of doing anything like this with my bike!

    and I was also a little concerned re the lack of helmets. I guess we've become so used to it being the law over here that it is jarring to see kids without!

  10. Wow! this is awesome. They are really brave.

  11. I watched the Danny MacAskill video then got my wife to watch it with me. Amazing stunts. Of course to ride like this he has undoubtedly crashed many times. The kid is good, and courageous.

  12. Great entry for X day!
    Love watching them too. Some of them are really skilled!
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Hope you are having a nice and happy day****

  13. Great action shots! I wish I had been more adventurous as a kid. I tend to be a scared-y cat. ;(

  14. eXcellent choice!

    Please come and find out what the Letter X is at my page. Have a lovely day.

  15. Xtreme sports cause me Xtreme anXiety!
    Great shots, though!
    ABC Wednesday Team

  16. I was a timid kid - not like the ones shown in these images!

  17. I love watching the xgames on cable! These kids are amazing! And your action shots are fantastic! Very glad to hear no one broke anything. My high school had a skateboard team and they would break bones left and right :-D

  18. PS: and no, I'm not surprised you were a daredevil yourself! haha.

  19. What great action shots!

  20. Oi veh. It's like with the videos my LA son sends me of his 6 year old son at the skateparks, I almost have a heart attack watching the amazing feats of the boy.

    My most heroic daredevil stuff came only after age 50 when I went up on the ROPES course (twice!) at Heifer Ranch, Arkansas.


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